How do I can solve this problem with appodeal in cocoon?

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  • 4 posts
  • Ive added appodeal plugic to my construct 2 game, after added the plugin on with this link:

    as it`s mentioned on its website, and i ve got an error after building. help me if you can


    Uh oh!

    "/workspace/plugins/com.appodeal.plugin/libs/android/appodeal-1.15.9.jar" not found!


    existing file: MPNativeAd.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdAdapter.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdConstants.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdData.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdDelegate.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdError.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdRenderer.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdRendererConfiguration.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdRendererConstants.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdRendererImageHandler.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdRendererSettings.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdRendering.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdRenderingImageLoader.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdRequest+MPNativeAdSource.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdRequest.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdRequestTargeting.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdSource.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdSourceDelegate.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdSourceQueue.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdUtils.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeCache.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeCustomEvent.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeCustomEventDelegate.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativePositionResponseDeserializer.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativePositionSource.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeView.h

    skipping existing file: MPNetworkManager.h

    skipping existing file: MPPrivateBannerCustomEventDelegate.h

    skipping existing file: MPPrivateInterstitialCustomEventDelegate.h

    skipping existing file: MPPrivateRewardedVideoCustomEventDelegate.h

    skipping existing file: MPProgressOverlayView.h

    skipping existing file: MPQRunLoopOperation.h

    skipping existing file: MPReachability.h

    skipping existing file: MPRetryingHTTPOperation.h

    skipping existing file: MPRewardedVideo+Internal.h

    skipping existing file: MPRewardedVideo.h

    skipping existing file: MPRewardedVideoAdManager.h

    skipping existing file: MPRewardedVideoAdapter.h

    skipping existing file: MPRewardedVideoConnection.h

    skipping existing file: MPRewardedVideoCustomEvent.h

    skipping existing file: MPRewardedVideoError.h

    skipping existing file: MPRewardedVideoReward.h

    skipping existing file: MPServerAdPositioning.h

    skipping existing file: MPSessionTracker.h

    skipping existing file: MPStaticNativeAdImpressionTimer.h

    skipping existing file: MPStaticNativeAdRenderer.h

    skipping existing file: MPStaticNativeAdRendererSettings.h

    skipping existing file: MPStoreKitProvider.h

    skipping existing file: MPStreamAdPlacementData.h

    skipping existing file: MPStreamAdPlacer.h

    skipping existing file: MPTableViewAdPlacer.h

    skipping existing file: MPTableViewAdPlacerCell.h

    skipping existing file: MPTableViewCellImpressionTracker.h

    skipping existing file: MPTimer.h

    skipping existing file: MPURLActionInfo.h

    skipping existing file: MPURLResolver.h

    skipping existing file: MPUserInteractionGestureRecognizer.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTAd.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTCompanionAd.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTCreative.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTDurationOffset.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTIndustryIcon.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTInline.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTLinearAd.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTMacroProcessor.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTManager.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTMediaFile.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTModel.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTResource.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTResponse.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTStringUtilities.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTTracking.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTTrackingEvent.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTWrapper.h

    skipping existing file: MPVideoConfig.h

    skipping existing file: MPXMLParser.h

    skipping existing file: MRBridge.h

    skipping existing file: MRBundleManager.h

    skipping existing file: MRCommand.h

    skipping existing file: MRConstants.h

    skipping existing file: MRController.h

    skipping existing file: MRError.h

    skipping existing file: MRExpandModalViewController.h

    skipping existing file: MRImageDownloader.h

    skipping existing file: MRNativeCommandHandler.h

    skipping existing file: MRProperty.h

    skipping existing file: MRVideoPlayerManager.h

    skipping existing file: MoPub-Bridging-Header.h

    skipping existing file: MoPub.h

    skipping existing file: NSHTTPURLResponse+MPAdditions.h

    skipping existing file: NSJSONSerialization+MPAdditions.h

    skipping existing file: NSURL+MPAdditions.h

    skipping existing file: UIButton+MPAdditions.h

    skipping existing file: UIColor+MPAdditions.h

    skipping existing file: UIView+MPAdditions.h

    skipping existing file: UIWebView+MPAdditions.h

    skipping existing file: mopub-ios-sdk

    skipping existing file: Info.plist

    skipping existing file: audio_mute.png

    skipping existing file: audio_mutetvg@2x.png

    skipping existing file: audio_on.png

    skipping existing file: audio_ontvg@2x.png

    skipping existing file: InfoPlist.strings

    skipping existing file: UnityAds.h

    skipping existing file: Info.plist

    skipping existing file: InfoPlist.strings

    skipping existing file: UnityAds

    skipping existing file: libAPDUnityAdapter.a

    skipping existing file: __vungle.db

    skipping existing file: vg_close.png

    skipping existing file: vg_cta.png

    skipping existing file: vg_mute_off.png

    skipping existing file: vg_mute_on.png

    skipping existing file: vg_privacy.png

    skipping existing file: VungleSDK.h

    skipping existing file: Info.plist

    skipping existing file: __vungle.db

    skipping existing file: vg_close.png

    skipping existing file: vg_cta.png

    skipping existing file: vg_mute_off.png

    skipping existing file: vg_mute_on.png

    skipping existing file: vg_privacy.png

    skipping existing file: VungleSDK

    skipping existing file: libAPDVungleAdapter.a

    skipping existing file: .DS_Store

    skipping existing file: YMAAdRequest.h

    skipping existing file: YMAAdSize.h

    skipping existing file: YMAAdView.h

    skipping existing file: YMABlock.h

    skipping existing file: YMABlocksInfo.h

    skipping existing file: YMACreative.h

    skipping existing file: YMAErrors.h

    skipping existing file: YMAIcon.h

    skipping existing file: YMAInterstitialController.h

    skipping existing file: YMALog.h

    skipping existing file: YMAMediaFile.h

    skipping existing file: YMAMobileAds.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeAdAssets.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeAdDelegate.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeAdErrors.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeAdImage.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeAdLoader.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeAdLoaderConfiguration.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeAdTypes.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeAppInstallAd.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeAppInstallAdView.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeAssetsAppearance.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeBannerView.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeContentAd.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeContentAdView.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeGenericAd.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeImageLoadingObserver.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeTemplateAppearance.h

    skipping existing file: YMARating.h

    skipping existing file: YMAVASTAd.h

    skipping existing file: YMAVASTErrors.h

    skipping existing file: YMAVASTTracker.h

    skipping existing file: YMAVersion.h

    skipping existing file: YMAVideoAdsRequest.h

    skipping existing file: YMAYandexVASTAds.h

    skipping existing file: YandexMobileAds.h

    skipping existing file: YandexMobileNativeAds.h

    skipping existing file: YandexMobileVASTAds.h

    skipping existing file: module.modulemap

    skipping existing file: YandexMobileAds

    skipping existing file: YMMVersion.h

    skipping existing file: YMMYandexMetrica.h

    skipping existing file: YMMYandexMetricaConfiguration.h

    skipping existing file: YMMYandexMetricaPreloadInfo.h

    skipping existing file: YandexMobileMetrica.h

    skipping existing file: module.modulemap

    skipping existing file: YandexMobileMetrica

    skipping existing file: libAPDYandexAdapter.a

    skipping existing file: apd-report-btn-cut.tiff

    skipping existing file: apd-report-btn.tiff

    skipping existing file: apd_background.tiff

    skipping existing file: apd_background_mrec.tiff

    skipping existing file: apd_close.tiff

    skipping existing file: apd_close_fill.tiff

    skipping existing file: apd_star.tiff

    skipping existing file: appodeal_adbadge.tiff

    skipping existing file: appodeal_mute_off.png

    skipping existing file: appodeal_mute_on.png

    skipping existing file: appodeal_pattern.tiff

    skipping existing file: Localizable.strings

    skipping existing file: Localizable.strings

    skipping existing file: Localizable.strings

    skipping existing file: Localizable.strings

    skipping existing file: Localizable.strings

    skipping existing file: Localizable.strings

    skipping existing file: Appodeal

    skipping existing file: APDBannerView.h

    skipping existing file: APDDefines.h

    skipping existing file: APDImage.h

    skipping existing file: APDInterstitialAd.h

    skipping existing file: APDMRECView.h

    skipping existing file: APDMediaView.h

    skipping existing file: APDNativeAd.h

    skipping existing file: APDNativeAdLoader.h

    skipping existing file: APDRewardProtocol.h

    skipping existing file: APDRewardedVideo.h

    skipping existing file: APDSdk.h

    skipping existing file: APDSkippableVideo.h

    skipping existing file: APDUserInfo.h

    skipping existing file: APDUserInfoProtocol.h

    skipping existing file: Appodeal.h

    skipping existing file: AppodealBannerView.h

    skipping existing file: module.modulemap

    cp: dest file already exists: /workspace/plugins/com.appodeal.plugin/

    cp: dest file already exists: /workspace/plugins/com.appodeal.plugin/package.json

    cp: dest file already exists: /workspace/plugins/com.appodeal.plugin/

    cp: dest file already exists: /workspace/plugins/com.appodeal.plugin/package.json

    cp: dest file already exists: /workspace/plugins/com.appodeal.plugin/plugin.xml

    skipping existing file:

    skipping existing file: AppodealPlugin.h

    skipping existing file: AppodealPlugin.m

    skipping existing file: appodeal.js



    Subproject Path: CordovaLib

    [2017-07-27 07:21:21.940] [DEBUG] AndroidBuilder - Uh oh! "/workspace/plugins/com.appodeal.plugin/libs/android/appodeal-1.15.9.jar" not found!

  • in the window below where you enter in the URL you need to type in "path-fix".

    Also if you search "plugin" there seems to be an updated version of Appodeal, 2.1.1 updated in 2017. Not sure if good to use the link on their website for C2 or the updated plugin.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • 1) Multidex Enabled: Yes (You can find this under Android Setting inside

    2) Go to the plugin>custom tab in Cocoon.

    3) Paste the following address into the Git Url area: ... plugin.git

    4) Paste the following into the "Branch/tag/commit" area


    5) Install, save, and compile!

  • thank you!

    someone should update the tutorial

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