Ive added appodeal plugic to my construct 2 game, after added the plugin on cocoon.io with this link:
as it`s mentioned on its website, and i ve got an error after building. help me if you can
Uh oh!
"/workspace/plugins/com.appodeal.plugin/libs/android/appodeal-1.15.9.jar" not found!
existing file: MPNativeAd.h
skipping existing file: MPNativeAdAdapter.h
skipping existing file: MPNativeAdConstants.h
skipping existing file: MPNativeAdData.h
skipping existing file: MPNativeAdDelegate.h
skipping existing file: MPNativeAdError.h
skipping existing file: MPNativeAdRenderer.h
skipping existing file: MPNativeAdRendererConfiguration.h
skipping existing file: MPNativeAdRendererConstants.h
skipping existing file: MPNativeAdRendererImageHandler.h
skipping existing file: MPNativeAdRendererSettings.h
skipping existing file: MPNativeAdRendering.h
skipping existing file: MPNativeAdRenderingImageLoader.h
skipping existing file: MPNativeAdRequest+MPNativeAdSource.h
skipping existing file: MPNativeAdRequest.h
skipping existing file: MPNativeAdRequestTargeting.h
skipping existing file: MPNativeAdSource.h
skipping existing file: MPNativeAdSourceDelegate.h
skipping existing file: MPNativeAdSourceQueue.h
skipping existing file: MPNativeAdUtils.h
skipping existing file: MPNativeCache.h
skipping existing file: MPNativeCustomEvent.h
skipping existing file: MPNativeCustomEventDelegate.h
skipping existing file: MPNativePositionResponseDeserializer.h
skipping existing file: MPNativePositionSource.h
skipping existing file: MPNativeView.h
skipping existing file: MPNetworkManager.h
skipping existing file: MPPrivateBannerCustomEventDelegate.h
skipping existing file: MPPrivateInterstitialCustomEventDelegate.h
skipping existing file: MPPrivateRewardedVideoCustomEventDelegate.h
skipping existing file: MPProgressOverlayView.h
skipping existing file: MPQRunLoopOperation.h
skipping existing file: MPReachability.h
skipping existing file: MPRetryingHTTPOperation.h
skipping existing file: MPRewardedVideo+Internal.h
skipping existing file: MPRewardedVideo.h
skipping existing file: MPRewardedVideoAdManager.h
skipping existing file: MPRewardedVideoAdapter.h
skipping existing file: MPRewardedVideoConnection.h
skipping existing file: MPRewardedVideoCustomEvent.h
skipping existing file: MPRewardedVideoError.h
skipping existing file: MPRewardedVideoReward.h
skipping existing file: MPServerAdPositioning.h
skipping existing file: MPSessionTracker.h
skipping existing file: MPStaticNativeAdImpressionTimer.h
skipping existing file: MPStaticNativeAdRenderer.h
skipping existing file: MPStaticNativeAdRendererSettings.h
skipping existing file: MPStoreKitProvider.h
skipping existing file: MPStreamAdPlacementData.h
skipping existing file: MPStreamAdPlacer.h
skipping existing file: MPTableViewAdPlacer.h
skipping existing file: MPTableViewAdPlacerCell.h
skipping existing file: MPTableViewCellImpressionTracker.h
skipping existing file: MPTimer.h
skipping existing file: MPURLActionInfo.h
skipping existing file: MPURLResolver.h
skipping existing file: MPUserInteractionGestureRecognizer.h
skipping existing file: MPVASTAd.h
skipping existing file: MPVASTCompanionAd.h
skipping existing file: MPVASTCreative.h
skipping existing file: MPVASTDurationOffset.h
skipping existing file: MPVASTIndustryIcon.h
skipping existing file: MPVASTInline.h
skipping existing file: MPVASTLinearAd.h
skipping existing file: MPVASTMacroProcessor.h
skipping existing file: MPVASTManager.h
skipping existing file: MPVASTMediaFile.h
skipping existing file: MPVASTModel.h
skipping existing file: MPVASTResource.h
skipping existing file: MPVASTResponse.h
skipping existing file: MPVASTStringUtilities.h
skipping existing file: MPVASTTracking.h
skipping existing file: MPVASTTrackingEvent.h
skipping existing file: MPVASTWrapper.h
skipping existing file: MPVideoConfig.h
skipping existing file: MPXMLParser.h
skipping existing file: MRBridge.h
skipping existing file: MRBundleManager.h
skipping existing file: MRCommand.h
skipping existing file: MRConstants.h
skipping existing file: MRController.h
skipping existing file: MRError.h
skipping existing file: MRExpandModalViewController.h
skipping existing file: MRImageDownloader.h
skipping existing file: MRNativeCommandHandler.h
skipping existing file: MRProperty.h
skipping existing file: MRVideoPlayerManager.h
skipping existing file: MoPub-Bridging-Header.h
skipping existing file: MoPub.h
skipping existing file: NSHTTPURLResponse+MPAdditions.h
skipping existing file: NSJSONSerialization+MPAdditions.h
skipping existing file: NSURL+MPAdditions.h
skipping existing file: UIButton+MPAdditions.h
skipping existing file: UIColor+MPAdditions.h
skipping existing file: UIView+MPAdditions.h
skipping existing file: UIWebView+MPAdditions.h
skipping existing file: mopub-ios-sdk
skipping existing file: Info.plist
skipping existing file: audio_mute.png
skipping existing file: audio_mutersg@2x.png
skipping existing file: audio_on.png
skipping existing file: audio_onrsg@2x.png
skipping existing file: InfoPlist.strings
skipping existing file: UnityAds.h
skipping existing file: Info.plist
skipping existing file: InfoPlist.strings
skipping existing file: UnityAds
skipping existing file: libAPDUnityAdapter.a
skipping existing file: __vungle.db
skipping existing file: vg_close.png
skipping existing file: vg_cta.png
skipping existing file: vg_mute_off.png
skipping existing file: vg_mute_on.png
skipping existing file: vg_privacy.png
skipping existing file: VungleSDK.h
skipping existing file: Info.plist
skipping existing file: __vungle.db
skipping existing file: vg_close.png
skipping existing file: vg_cta.png
skipping existing file: vg_mute_off.png
skipping existing file: vg_mute_on.png
skipping existing file: vg_privacy.png
skipping existing file: VungleSDK
skipping existing file: libAPDVungleAdapter.a
skipping existing file: .DS_Store
skipping existing file: YMAAdRequest.h
skipping existing file: YMAAdSize.h
skipping existing file: YMAAdView.h
skipping existing file: YMABlock.h
skipping existing file: YMABlocksInfo.h
skipping existing file: YMACreative.h
skipping existing file: YMAErrors.h
skipping existing file: YMAIcon.h
skipping existing file: YMAInterstitialController.h
skipping existing file: YMALog.h
skipping existing file: YMAMediaFile.h
skipping existing file: YMAMobileAds.h
skipping existing file: YMANativeAdAssets.h
skipping existing file: YMANativeAdDelegate.h
skipping existing file: YMANativeAdErrors.h
skipping existing file: YMANativeAdImage.h
skipping existing file: YMANativeAdLoader.h
skipping existing file: YMANativeAdLoaderConfiguration.h
skipping existing file: YMANativeAdTypes.h
skipping existing file: YMANativeAppInstallAd.h
skipping existing file: YMANativeAppInstallAdView.h
skipping existing file: YMANativeAssetsAppearance.h
skipping existing file: YMANativeBannerView.h
skipping existing file: YMANativeContentAd.h
skipping existing file: YMANativeContentAdView.h
skipping existing file: YMANativeGenericAd.h
skipping existing file: YMANativeImageLoadingObserver.h
skipping existing file: YMANativeTemplateAppearance.h
skipping existing file: YMARating.h
skipping existing file: YMAVASTAd.h
skipping existing file: YMAVASTErrors.h
skipping existing file: YMAVASTTracker.h
skipping existing file: YMAVersion.h
skipping existing file: YMAVideoAdsRequest.h
skipping existing file: YMAYandexVASTAds.h
skipping existing file: YandexMobileAds.h
skipping existing file: YandexMobileNativeAds.h
skipping existing file: YandexMobileVASTAds.h
skipping existing file: module.modulemap
skipping existing file: YandexMobileAds
skipping existing file: YMMVersion.h
skipping existing file: YMMYandexMetrica.h
skipping existing file: YMMYandexMetricaConfiguration.h
skipping existing file: YMMYandexMetricaPreloadInfo.h
skipping existing file: YandexMobileMetrica.h
skipping existing file: module.modulemap
skipping existing file: YandexMobileMetrica
skipping existing file: libAPDYandexAdapter.a
skipping existing file: apd-report-btn-cut.tiff
skipping existing file: apd-report-btn.tiff
skipping existing file: apd_background.tiff
skipping existing file: apd_background_mrec.tiff
skipping existing file: apd_close.tiff
skipping existing file: apd_close_fill.tiff
skipping existing file: apd_star.tiff
skipping existing file: appodeal_adbadge.tiff
skipping existing file: appodeal_mute_off.png
skipping existing file: appodeal_mute_on.png
skipping existing file: appodeal_pattern.tiff
skipping existing file: Localizable.strings
skipping existing file: Localizable.strings
skipping existing file: Localizable.strings
skipping existing file: Localizable.strings
skipping existing file: Localizable.strings
skipping existing file: Localizable.strings
skipping existing file: Appodeal
skipping existing file: APDBannerView.h
skipping existing file: APDDefines.h
skipping existing file: APDImage.h
skipping existing file: APDInterstitialAd.h
skipping existing file: APDMRECView.h
skipping existing file: APDMediaView.h
skipping existing file: APDNativeAd.h
skipping existing file: APDNativeAdLoader.h
skipping existing file: APDRewardProtocol.h
skipping existing file: APDRewardedVideo.h
skipping existing file: APDSdk.h
skipping existing file: APDSkippableVideo.h
skipping existing file: APDUserInfo.h
skipping existing file: APDUserInfoProtocol.h
skipping existing file: Appodeal.h
skipping existing file: AppodealBannerView.h
skipping existing file: module.modulemap
cp: dest file already exists: /workspace/plugins/com.appodeal.plugin/README.md
cp: dest file already exists: /workspace/plugins/com.appodeal.plugin/package.json
cp: dest file already exists: /workspace/plugins/com.appodeal.plugin/README.md
cp: dest file already exists: /workspace/plugins/com.appodeal.plugin/package.json
cp: dest file already exists: /workspace/plugins/com.appodeal.plugin/plugin.xml
skipping existing file: AppodealPlugin.java
skipping existing file: AppodealPlugin.h
skipping existing file: AppodealPlugin.m
skipping existing file: appodeal.js
Subproject Path: CordovaLib
[36m[2017-07-27 07:21:21.940] [DEBUG] AndroidBuilder - [39mUh oh!
"/workspace/plugins/com.appodeal.plugin/libs/android/appodeal-1.15.9.jar" not found!