GrogIsGood's Forum Posts

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  • Touche'. The issue was actually an event sheet (used for sounds) called "sound events" that was shared between all the other event sheets; the other event sheets included the sound sheet and the sound sheet included the other event sheets, thus building a "bridge" or many-to-many relationship between the event sheets and their layouts. Thus "on start of layout" events from the event sheets applied to all each other's layouts.

    While renaming layers and accurately naming them helped things... it didn't solve the above issue. I will remember this for future project designs!

    Many thanks, mk

  • I found out the issue...but it is still bizarre.

    Events on one event sheet that "create sprite on layer 9" also create the sprites on the next layout after the GotoNextLayout event happens. Essentially the layout is being subjected to events from an event sheet not even associated/included to it.

    I solved this by using strings to identify the layers rather than relying on numbers (which can be universal across MANY layouts).

    I am not sure why the sprites are still created - but if you test this is a simple project with two layouts each with an event sheet, creating objects for each other picking each other's layers, the project is quickly broken (no sprites are created). Which you would expect since the layers on not recognized.

    With regard to create sprites on layers, i think construct should have more "bumper lanes" to prevent users from picking layers (i.e. the layers of another layout, not associated with the current layout) that will harm their project.

  • I have a project with the following layouts:

    Start_Screen - start screen of the game

    Game_Layout - where all the game action takes place

    Camp_Layout - after game layout to purchase items, etc.

    Object_bank - layout where all the sprites are initialized (so that i don't have to put them on the other individual layouts). This layout is never actually used in the game.

    Each layout has one event sheet, the layouts share many global variables, and use many of the same sprite objects, of which many are in families. Each event sheet targets the correct layout in the 'properties' section, and the Start_Screen is targeted as the first layout.

    The issue is when I have an event that you click on something and call the "Go To Layout" action (e.g. from Start_Screen to Game_Layout), the project goes to the next layer, but the objects from the previous layout show up.

    I have looked at the forums, and just brainstorming what other things besides Global Layers (i have unchecked all the "global" options) should I consider to prevent layer "bleed-through" of objects showing up on layouts I don't want them to.

    Could the object_bank, which each Layout pulls from, be the problem? Could shared Global Variables be a problem? Could similarly named layers, layout-to-layout, be a problem? Thanks.

  • Just curious, what do you mean by texture too large?

    It it an object in the game that had a larger size than what wad supported by the phone? E.g 2048x2048?

    Just taking notes for when i finally publish to ios.

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  • In my experience trying to publish on android is that android hates webgl. Anytime i tried to add webgl effects to objects the game would run as a black screen.

    Remove the effects and android would run smooth.

  • Example project:

    So, my simple project goal was to make an app/project that could record your voice using your microphone, and play back the record in "slow motion" (let’s say at 50% or 25% speed; a lower pitch for you audio people).

    In the attached example capx, I succeeded in doing that using the Video object (thanks to the examples provided on the construct 3 start page), however there is no capability to play the video object at half speed. There is also no capability (at least by my computer science - idiot status) to "live" import the webm file while the project is running to the sounds folder so that the audio object "play back rate" action could be performed. There is no filechooser function to live import sounds into the sound/music folder to my knowledge.

    I have tried several things to attempt to play the audio (as a video object) at slow motion that have all failed:

    • Set the recording object to a low sample frame rate e.g. 12 frames per second (this only affected sprite objects, not audio).
    • Set the system timescale at 0.5 or 0.25
    • Set the Video object timescale at 0.5 or 0.25
    • Tried setting the audio tag "mic" playback rate to 0.5 or 0.25

    Now I know that Construct 3 has worked hard to provide the most compatible encoders (OPUS webm), and I am eternal greatful and I don't expect a solution to encoders that take hundreds of people-hours or more to fine tune, but i was just curious what computer science/audio magics is happening/not happening to make playing web audio slow and not being able to import sound.

    My goal with any post replies here is just to learn a little bit more about the science to satisfy my OCD...which i also know is exactly the opposite of how you treat OCD :).

    My theory on why the audio with the webm video file is not also slowed when recording lower frame rates intentionally is that the audio is treated separate from graphical frames. Frames are straight forward to recording a lower number of frames is no issue to make a cheap chop motion slow-motion video.

    My theory is that when audio files (webm, .ogg, etc.) is/are put in the construct 3 sound or music folder, the audio file is compressed, and then once project preview is pushed, the audio files are "in" the Construct 3 engine, allowing access to advanced audio features such as play-back rate, audio effects, etc.

    When you try to play sound live (e.g. from a URL) none of those C3 engine special features are available, because the audio has not been compressed and "presented" or converted to machine language in a form that the construct 3 engine can augment audio-wise (e.g. playback rate /change pitch, audio effects). For a layman like me that’s what i understand as "encoding" and why sounds can’t be (easily) live imported to a running project.

    Thanks in advance for your replies/comment/tutelage.

  • Hahaha that’s GREAT!

    From that example a function can serve as a great shorthand writing style to perform a bunch of actions (resulting in much less clutter in the events page).

  • As a noob I never venture to put parameters in my functions, which in turn usually leaves some ugly, naked parenthesis.

    What world am i missing out on here? The tutorials dont really explain. For example:

    Function “create ball” (ball, color)

    On function “create ball”: create object ball; color ( blue) ..... is this just some form of picking that works better than picking? Are object instance variables just as “good” ?

    Thanks so much.


  • Thats a good tip to kee in mind.

    This thread answered my question. Thanks.

    Probably best to code in input detection method per the examples.

  • My problem is when i try to preview-test my projects which use the touch object. On a desktop mouse or a touch screen laptop the touch object doesnt respond very well if at all. When i change to mouse object (e.g. tap here set object to mouse.x, rather than touch.x) the response is much better. Even on my phone the mouse object works better even though i am “touching” things (well, scirra arcade through safari on my iphone). But i want to make android platform games for android phones/touch devices. So can i get away with using mouse objects or will i have to ise the touch object for android devices? When i use OR blocks (touch or mouse click) the results of my preview is kinda funky on a desktop. I think the desktop is registering both a touch and mouse click, even though there is no touch interface.

    It would also be interesting to know more behing the touch acceleration feature of the touch object.

    I guess i will test more when i can so i get a definitive answer.

  • Yeah I had a similar problem...

    1. When I publish in Webview, I don't get any WebGL effects working on my game.

    2. When I publish in Canvas+, I get WebGL effects working, but the output on my game is bugged (objects spreadout from their assigned locations, outside, above and below the layout)

  • in the window below where you enter in the URL you need to type in "path-fix".

    Also if you search "plugin" there seems to be an updated version of Appodeal, 2.1.1 updated in 2017. Not sure if good to use the link on their website for C2 or the updated plugin.

  • 12 posts