Timur WiFi's Recent Forum Activity

  • What does this mean - "X 1 & all Y" ?

    If you need to save all sprite properties in the array, see the demo I posted in your other topic.

    If you need to only save sprite position, then what exactly is the issue? You can do something like this

    > + System: For each Sprite
    -> Array: Set value at (LoopIndex, 0) to Sprite.X
    -> Array: Set value at (LoopIndex, 1) to Sprite.Y

    I need to save different elements at different positions in an array.

    I didn’t find how to do this in your project

    I created a schematic how I want to do it:

    I hope, i showed clearly.

  • You've asked this question twice before.

    If the answers I gave you in those posts are not working for you, you need to provide more information, or share your project file.

    I need, for example:

    First element - save / load to array X 1 & all Y

    Second element - save / load to array X 2 & all Y


    How should I do it?

    Either I didn’t understand something, or you didn’t tell me something.

  • See the official template

    > https://editor.construct.net/#open=audio-analyser


  • I have several sprites (six).

    How can I save all six different elements into one array.

    And then load them back?


  • I need sprites in my game to resize (pulsate) depending on the volume of the music.

    How can I get realtime music volume?


  • Here is a very simple demo:


    You can save the array itself in Local Storage, use Array.AsJSON expression.

    I will look, thx)

  • Almost every object in Construct has AsJSON expression and "Set from JSON" action - you can use these. JSON will contain all object properties.

    You can put all JSON strings into an array if you want, for easier storage.


    If you need to re-create the entire scene with lots of objects, it may be easier to use System Save/Load actions. After saving, you can get SaveStateJSON expression and saving it to a file - it will contain properties for all objects on the layout.

    I also need a way to store the sprite data into an array!

    Can you explain this in more detail?

    It is necessary that the data be saved in json in the files below.

    And export them

  • I'm doing a program based on sprites editing(Like editor in GeometryDash).

    I'm looking how to save all the sprites properties like: Name, X/y position, instance values, opacity,effect parameters,etc... in a file and after in a new runing load that file that create all the sprites with their properties to regenerate the same composition.

    How i can save/load sprite properties in Array?


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  • You need to build a string of all objects and their positions in the level, then export this string. And you need a code which will do this in reverse - decode the string and restore objects and positions from it.

    How you do this really depends on your game and the complexity of levels.

    If your level is just one tilemap, you can simply export all tiles in JSON. If your level consists of many different sprites, you can put their names, coordinates, sizes, angle and other properties into an array, and then save this array as JSON.

    If your game is grid based, you can invent some creative and compact way to save it, for example see how the chess board is saved in FEN format:


    Thanks, I'll try to figure it out!

  • You may not understand what I am going to say now, but I will try to explain:

    How to make loading levels in the game, that is, I have a level editor in my game, and I need to make it so that players can export their levels and share them with players who can import them into the editor or play at this level.

    How difficult is it and is it possible?


  • I think it will be difficult for developers to do this, but still:

    I wish Scirra could create some kind of connection between the 3D editor and Construct 3 ... Like Unity 3D but a lot easier!

    I hope the developers will see this post and come up with something!

    If someone has already done such a post, do not worry - the second time will not hurt anyone =)

  • I've never looked for browser save files on my computer, but I'm sure by doing a simple search you can find the directory you're looking for depending on the browser you use.

    If you use Chrome the save files will probably be in a location similar to this:

    C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data

    Probably someone with more experience than me will be able to tell you the exact file path for each browser.

    Thx bro! U help me!

    I found a saves in C:/Users/USERNAME/AppData/Local/GAMENAME

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Timur WiFi

Member since 14 Jun, 2020

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