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  • garyh

    Here is the download link of my c3 plugins.

    Fantastic - thank you very much!


    following the link gives this response...


    File not found

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  • Hi there I'm Gary.

    Gaming/ game design is a labour of love for me and find Construct 2 to be a great tool so look forward to improving my skills with it and publishing something as soon as - with the help of the fantastic community - you guys rock!!

  • Solved - another example of the awesome support from the community! Thank you very much for quick and simple responses..

  • cheers dude - sent you an email from my hotmail address...

  • Howdy C2 community - I'm pretty new to this so excuse my lack of correct lingo and rudimentary manner of explaining my request - I am trying to keep it simple without using terminology that may be misleading.

    What I am looking for is an example capx. and brief explanation of the "how" it works - I am working through the C2 manual, tutorials and examples (which are awesome) at the same time to educate myself but am getting a little stuck on this point (example below) which is distracting me from progress.

    Scenario 1 - which works 100%:

    Send a sprite (a seed) from a start location (x1, y1) to a destination location (x2, y2) and mark destination with a "marker" sprite (a hole).

    On arrival at destination that seed turns into a flower if it reaches its own hole.

    I can mark multiple destinations and keep each seed tracked to its own hole (so seed 1 = hole 1, seed 2 = hole 2 and so on by using UID's) .

    Rule: seed 1 cannot go into hole 2 and so forth.

    Scenario 2 - where I have an issue

    When a seed is on its way to its hole a kite (sprite) may block its path.

    On collision with the kite the seed bounces off the kite.

    The seed shrivels up and disappears after a short "wait" period. ===> all works up to this point

    When the the seed disappears it's hole should fill up with sand.

    What happens is that all holes on the screen fill up with sand : /

    I would have thought that the same logic I use to track the seed to its hole would hold but it does not.

    Any suggestions?

    If a capx is required I will upload if needed.

    Thanks in advance!

  • Here's a one-event version!

    Love it - thanks!

  • Thnx - pls let me know when done and i will check for a download : )

  • Howdy - just purchased this game but is not fully functional. Using chrome browser btw.


    (1) Score or any "game over" related text/ variables not displayed (plus wrong screen orientation)

    (2) when projectile and alien ship collide the following error message is displayed;

    "Cannot create an instance of the object type 'Sprite19m': there are no instances of this object anywhere in the project. Construct 2 needs at least one instance to know which properties to assign to the object. To resolve this, add at least one instance of the object to the project, on an unused layout if necessary."

    Please advise.

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  • A belated thank you for this ffman22 - it was just the example I was looking for!

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Member since 2 Apr, 2014

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