Nefron89's Recent Forum Activity

  • It worked! Thank you very much!

  • Thank you very much I Will try. By the way it's weird I can't - for example - set an event like "on 'object' clicker - simulate keyboard Key pressed alt - simulate keyboard Key pressed f4". This would be enough but It seems I can't.

  • Hello everyone, ofcourse I have looked for similar topics but no one seems to solve my problem. I've made a game, I've exported in nwjs in order to use it on my windows laptop. I have a main menu where if you click the "exit button" the "browser - close " event should be shutdown the game. This happens when I am in preview mode, everything works fine. The exported game instead stay like "freezed" even if it is not. With the ctrl alt canc sequence I have to manually shutdown it and there's no "the app doesn't answer" sentence near to its name.

    I've uploaded the game on steam and even if I launch my game from Steam I am still not able to shutdown it. The only way is to alt f4 BEFORE to click the exit button. If I click that button I can only press the cross on the upper right corner or forcing shutdown with the ctrl alt canc sequence.

    How it's possible that I don't find a way to close the game? Please, give me a hand. Thank you

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  • Hello community, I know the title has no sense Xd I'll try to explain.

    I've created a platform. I want to insert some collectable object.

    For example among the game I want to insert 30 "power stones".

    When you reach the final boss, If you have all the 30 "power Stones" there is an alternative ending.

    I have problem with the "power stones" count.... I mean if I collect 5 stones in the 1st level and, for example, I die at the middle of the 2nd level, the game is set to "restart the layout" but I want the "power stones" count to be saved in order to restart the level with the exact number of stones I've gathered in prevoius levels...

    I don't know if its is enough clear :D

    And another little problem.... in the pause menu I've set a slide to control the master volume. If I set the slider to half bar, when I die the layout restarts with the volume at the max level.

    How can I store the level set?

    I hope someone can help me.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding :)

  • Thank you mate, I have read about this but in this way I have a bar that get shorter, right?

    I have not a bar Which progressively empty....

    By the way I Will follow your tips.... At least I can draw my own Health bar.

    Thank you again

  • Hello everyone. First of all please don't try to link this or that already extisting topic. I have read the manual, I have read tens and tens of topics but I simply don't understand :) I need someone who knows the exact wizard to set up a progress bar with a CSS style.

    In my game the HP bars of bosses is set with a standard progress bar and everything works fine although the appearance is terrible.

    I know there is a way to change this appearance with CSS.

    I have already CSS import plugin, I have my Style.CSS file.

    What about now? In none of the topics I read there is a "wise experienced user" that says:

    1-download this

    2-do this

    3-set this

    4-congrats you've done!

    Every topic is focused on already experienced users. I am a basic one so I probably miss something essential in the process and nothing works.

    I've looked for a solution for a couple of weeks, in the meanwhile I've finished the game... this is the last detail I need to polish.

    Thank you very much for helping and understanding :)

  • Ok, I am just stupid... but thanks to your tips I have found the (terribly noobish) mistake.... Bone (bullet) was one of the first object I created and now that I have several layouts and hundreds of events I just.. ehm... didn't notice I have given to Bone the solid behaviour (for some unknow reason, or simply for a missclick).

    So that is. Now it's ok..

    Thank you again mate and sorry for the waste of time :(

  • Hello and thanks for the reply.

    Well, not properly. An Enemy With Platform Behaviour is not just passed by a bullet, instead, the bullet will push him Back until the end of the layout or until the bullet is destroyed.

    And this is default.

    Make the bullet destroy prevent from “push the enemy back until they reach another planet” lol but at the moment of collision FIRST the bullet hits and push the enemy back and affer this the bullet get destroyed. Is something like, really, 0.001 seconds but if the bullets are shot in a rapid row the enemies just can’t keep Walking or running. You can really slow them down just by firing very very fast.... this would be ok with some standard enemies but no with a Huge boss.

    Everything is default I have not added any wait time.

    Thank you again

  • Hello boys and girls, as always I ask for you help because I have not found anything satisfying my question.

    I'm making a game (platform) where my Player throws (spawns) little bones (with bullet behaviours) to attack the enemies.

    The events are set in order to destroy each bone as soon as it collides with an enemy (and obviously subctract 1 from the instance variable created for the enemy HP).

    The problem is that in the moment the bone hits the enemy, the enemy get "stunned" for 0.00001 sec... if I spam bones like hell I can almost STOP an enemy running towards the Player (even if I set a very high speed to it).

    With my first boss, for example, which is much bigger than the player, if I am grounded and spawn bones he starts to make "little jumps" because the bones collide with the base of his polygon collider and he, basically, try to "walk on bones" lol XD.

    Now, I would like that when a bone (bullet) collides with the enemy, the enemy IGNORES the physic collision with it and goes on with what he is doing (running towards the player for example). If I shoot the boss, I don't want he "jumps" on the bullets because he "feels" a solid platform down to him.

    Is it possible?

    If I disable collision the enemies are no longer damaged from my bones... ok, I could set the events with Overlap instead of Collision... but is it the only way?

    Thank you as always for you competence, patience, and understanding :D

  • Ok, I have found a solution that's works.

    Basically if the enemy STANDS ON the collider set as obstacle, he doesen't see anything (don't know why).

    Instead, I have clonated the collider, given it another name and color and used it as "platform" for the enemies, then I put the obstacle collider on the "roof" and re-used the new colored collider upper than the obstacle.

    In this way everything works.

    I post a screenshot with the wish it could help someone else.

    In the image the BLUE collider is the OBSTACLE, meanwhile the red one is a normal collider used just as platform.

    Thank you very much again.

  • Oh well, thank you mate, I Will try and make you know if everything goes right.

    Thank you again

  • Hello community! Since the last week I have worked trying to solve myself an issue with the LOS that I simply can't understand, so here I am, I need the community help!

    Basically I've drawn an enemy with platform and LOS behaviours. When the Player is in LOS the enemy starts to move and throws stones at the player. Up to here works perfectly.

    Now, as the layout is vertically developed, I want to avoid tha the enemies on the upper levels can see the player, and same thing for the enemies on the lower levels.

    In order to try to afford this, I have simply granted the SOLID behaviour to COLLIDER object (set on every floor, on every level). COLLIDER has already got the "jump through" but I didn't know if it was "seen" as SOLID or not so I added solid too.

    Well, now the enemies can't see me even if I am in front of them.

    They have 360 degrees and 800 pixel LOS.

    At this point I tried to bypass the issue by setting "custom" on enemy obstacle voice, deleting the solid behaviour on COLLIDER and, at the end, adding the event "every tic - enemy LOS add Obstacle COLLIDER".

    By doing this the enemies can now see me through the colliders, up and down, even if I put a collider in front of them.

    Is it because the colliders are, obiously, set as "invisible".

    Is there a way to solve this? I just want that the enemies can see horizontally in front and behind them, and not up and down.

    Thank you for you help guys, and sorry for my bad english (I hope it is enough clear).

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Member since 24 Mar, 2020

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