Hello everyone. First of all please don't try to link this or that already extisting topic. I have read the manual, I have read tens and tens of topics but I simply don't understand :) I need someone who knows the exact wizard to set up a progress bar with a CSS style.
In my game the HP bars of bosses is set with a standard progress bar and everything works fine although the appearance is terrible.
I know there is a way to change this appearance with CSS.
I have already CSS import plugin, I have my Style.CSS file.
What about now? In none of the topics I read there is a "wise experienced user" that says:
1-download this
2-do this
3-set this
4-congrats you've done!
Every topic is focused on already experienced users. I am a basic one so I probably miss something essential in the process and nothing works.
I've looked for a solution for a couple of weeks, in the meanwhile I've finished the game... this is the last detail I need to polish.
Thank you very much for helping and understanding :)