taokodr's Recent Forum Activity

  • Would make for a great Spy vs Spy type game!

    Wow. You just took me back a few decades. I remember playing Spy vs Spy on the Commodore 64 many years ago.

    Ugh, when did I become so old?

  • Wow. Addicting to the nth degree. This is gonna take off! Congratulations and well done!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • The idea is original, good luck with this game

    Thank you, and thanks so much for taking a look!

  • Glad to help. I'm new to Construct 2 and it's so much fun seeing the creative uses of the resource.

    For #3, I don't know a definite answer without seeing code. The only possible thing I can think of is to make sure the falling grocery event isn't tied to the carrying/not carrying status of your player(?). Also, does your space bar toggle the player's carrying status or does it definitively set it to the not carrying state?

    In any case, good luck and keep up the good work!

  • Wonderful game for kids! I love the idea of a game that teaches while you play.

    I found a few small bugs, though:

    1) On stage 2 in the middle right section of the map it is possible to stand without a platform (I supplied a screencap)

    2) The hamburger patties (I assume) do not have a sound associated with them when your player moves over them

    3) Occasionally, I was unable to pick up any more groceries after I dropped one into a cart. This seems to happen if I drop a grocery and then try to pick up another before the previous drop has completed.

    Wonderful job! Keep up the good work!

  • Hello, everyone!

    I wanted to get some opinions of my first attempt at a game with Construct 2. It's a proof-of-concept that I wanted to make as a starter template for a couple of game ideas I want to put together in the future. I'd love to know what browser you used and what you thought of the basic playability.

    In the future, I plan to have *REAL* graphics for the games I build off of this idea (Did anybody notice that the bouncers are a Webding?). They'd also have sound effects, multiple levels, and end celebrations that included music.

    Thanks in advance to anybody who's willing to check this out.


  • More updates coming soon...

    Can't wait to see them!

    I think I found a bug. If you click on the numeric part of your coins total on the upgrade screen, you get 500 added to your total. You can do this multiple times.

  • You have me excited about using Construct for a couple of ISO game ideas floating in my head. Nice job!

  • I like the idea of combos and will definitely add it to the list. I also like the idea of the graphic representing the kings smile/frown - my (lack of) skill with graphics could be a bit of a problem here....

    Thanks for the comments.

    No problem!

    Yeah I can understand the graphics problem. I'm definitely not an artist, I have a proof of concept that uses Webdings and random stuff I found on the internet just so I could have placeholders instead of rectangles

    Good luck!

  • "Did you ever want to shoot giant exploding Donuts at Bears with fuzzy pink hair?"

    Greatest. Tagline. Ever.

    Thanks for sharing this game. I played it on my PC using Chrome and didn't see any obvious bugs. Fun and silly at the same time. Your Doctor character has a great personality and the humor quotient was high. Fun time. Nice job!

  • Nice job! A description of how the different features in the interface work might help. The fight was fun. Can't wait to see more!

  • Fun starting concept. I played it on Chrome and the quit button worked for me.

    I would say that one issue might be the fact that the balloons can hit your yoyo in its starting position, so there's no way to avoid hitting some of the red ones.

    Perhaps you can have some sort of combos for multiple balloons hit at one time. Make it similar to a casino game where certain sequences (3 of one color, one of three colors) give bonus points. Since the king's pleasure is important, maybe a graphic of the king that progressively smiles as non-red balloons are hit and progressively frowns as red balloons are hit.

    Cool concept and I can't wait to see where you go with it!

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Member since 22 Mar, 2014

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