taokodr's Recent Forum Activity

  • I love the idea of building games that teach and/or improve other skills. I've seen some creative games that can help people improve their math skills, increase typing speed, and of course there's the classic Memory game. I think if the game is enticing and clever, it can get people to learn without knowing they are doing it.

    I think DDR is a fantastic example because you're playing "Simon Says" and getting an amazing workout (improved reflaxes?) while you do it. Rock Band and similar concepts appear to be great reflex drills as well. Another example that I saw online was a drag racing game where you had to solve several math problems to propel your car. The more difficult the problem you solved, the more thrust you provided to the car. I also recall a typing game that required you to type in a word written on the top of an enemy ship that approached yours. If you typed the word correctly, your ship destroyed the enemy. I'm sure there are several fantastic ideas out there. I have a few of my own and plan to explore them. I may post a few just to get input or suggestions if you all think they would be worth pursuing.

    Since I am not an educator, but would like to help folks who want to better educate children, are there any concepts that stand out in your minds that could benefit from a "game"-oriented teaching method?

    Kindest Regards,


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  • Hello, Gang!

    I'm Mike. I've been playing games since the days of the Atari 2600 when Breakout was a high point of console entertainment. I wanted to develop games then, and I still do. I've fiddled and played around with many tools and resources through the years, but I've never finished any of my ideas beyond prototypes and single-level quickies.

    I have a sizable list of favorite games. My favorites go as far back as Q-Bert, Galaga, and Donkey Kong and a few 2D scrollers, but I also enjoy ISOs like Fallout 2, Jagged Alliance, and the original X-Com (Haven't played the newer one yet). Also, a few MMORPGs have caught my fancy through the years.

    I look forward to working with Construct 2, and thanks to the free version I have a pretty cool demo/proof of concept that I plan to use as a template for at least 3 game ideas. I'll be upgrading soon, then it will be time to see what this can really do. Can't wait!

    Kindest Regards,


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Member since 22 Mar, 2014

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