taokodr's Recent Forum Activity

  • Cute and clever reflex drill. Loved the music! Definitely added to the game. Congrats, and nice job!

  • I was excited about what Ouya might become, but after reading these articles, it doesn't look good

    That is kind of a bummer. I was hoping to grab an Ouya to see what I could do with it. Maybe I still will, but I'll just have to lower expectations.

  • "I want to stick a rocket launcher in my magic trousers!"

    Bwahahahahahahaaaa!!! XD

  • I love turn-based! X-Com, Fallout 2, and Jagged Alliance are all-time favorites! I have an idea for a game that would neatly fall into the style, but I have a lot to learn/plan before I can build it.

  • Feel free to exploit for now.

    I'm gonna be rich! Rich, I tell ya!!!!

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  • A buddy pulled me into SW:TOR. I have to admit it's been addicting. I've heard very good things about the latest crop of MMORPGs. I still have to try Skyrim.

  • Ha! I didn't know about the free sound files zip pack available via Scirra. I just added a couple of them to the game as well as a sound effect I found via SoundBible.com. It's amazing how a few sounds here and there can affect a game. I couldn't stop giggling at the effect when bouncers collide with the player. The celebration music (courtesy of Matt Oglseby) made the end a bit more atmospheric.

    If anybody knows Matt, please thank him for me

  • Very original and entertaining. Congratulations!

  • While I'm sure my idea is way far from being the best and most optimal one


    But like I said I'm a newb, I'm sure more experienced users can give you better and more complex solutions, probably using arrays and dictionaries(things which I totaly don't understand at the moment).

    Don't sell yourself short. That's a clever idea. The concept won't quite work for the game mechanic I am shooting for, but I like the logic behind it.

    As for arrays & dictionaries, PM me if the tutorials don't help you out. I'd be glad to discuss what I know of them. Arrays might help build on that concept you suggested.

    Thanks for taking the time to share and give input. I appreciate it!

  • I've never played Spy vs Spy but it reminds me of Mappy for NES. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mappy

    Ha! I can see why!

    This idea was heavily influenced by a few games from the 80s. There was one that I've been trying to remember the name of where you were building the components to a machine that would spit beach balls at a monster that was chasing your girlfriend. If you didn't get him in time, he ate her. (Yeesh!)

  • We're not old mate, we're fossils... I'm not exactly sure why but that sounded comforting in my head...

    Anyway, for a template and a first try your game looks pretty good, and since it's a simply style/concept it's pretty easy to expand. You could have the player go to another part of the level if he leaves the screen, you could have sub-levels behind some of those doors that tie in to the main level, maybe add some elevators that transport you around more easily then the stairs but they olso attract the guards when you use them, etc.

    LOL. Fossils, eh? Well, we can salvage some more comfort and recall that fossils can contain some interesting information.

    I have several ideas for where to go with the game's core mechanic. One of my future mini projects is to figure out how to get the doors to randomly house one of the items when the level loads so you're guaranteed to play a different version of the game (given permutation limits, of course). The elevator idea never occurred to me, but I think one of my game ideas could use that. Nice!

    Thanks for the review and the suggestions!

  • What a rush

taokodr's avatar


Member since 22 Mar, 2014

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