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  • Hey everyone, including Tim_A, I've come across the exact same problem. I'm absolutely lost about what "adaptive" means between Construct and Google Play and how to create it. I've been spending 1.5 days trying to figure it out, building test APKs, checking it on different Android systems, etc. I don't understand how to create a normal square icon that will crop properly if the icon is square.

    All I'm getting is the icon being squished into small square image, which is now inside round white icon, which eventually look weird and not what is intended.

    Can anyone help? Also, that 108x108 dp size is weird. How do I create it? I mostly use Photoshop, and I have an Adobe Cloud subscription.


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  • Thanks! Will look into it 👍👍👍

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  • Quite a strong reply.

    I watched some videos, and I've tried to figure it out on my own, but I found it very hard.

    The videos I found on YouTube weren't helpful when it comes to using it with Google Play leaderboard. I've seen some videos regarding implementation with Unity, but they didn't help me with Construct.

    If someone has walked through the steps or found any relevant materials, please share them, because it is not clear how to implement it, specifically with Google Play.

    I've seen you being helpful on forums before, but it's very strange to see you assuming things so confidently.

    If you didn't want to be helpful, why didn't you just skip? I am allowed to comment as well. I always find forums to be helpful, and the topic is "How do I."

  • Hi all,

    I've been searching here and there and trying on my own, but I haven't been able to understand how to implement a leaderboard into a Construct 3 project that will work with Google Play. I've read Scirra's manual, but it seems that many steps are missing for a person without special understanding.

    It seems there's much to setup in the Play Store itself. The game is published there, just the achievements and scoreboard I don't understand how to setup.

    I would be very thankful if someone could share a complete "how-to" guide. 🙏

  • Solved.

    For anyone else experiencing this, the solution is:

    1.Create a new Boolean variable, such as "IsConditionMet", and set its initial value to False.

    2.Create a new event in your event sheet that compares the two numbers and adds a "Trigger once" condition.

    3.Add an additional condition to check whether the "IsConditionMet" variable is False. This will ensure that the actions in the event only occur once when the condition is first met.

    4.In the action section of the event, set the "IsConditionMet" variable to True, and add the actions to start the fade in effect.

    Cheers! Happy game making everyone, who's browsing this!

  • Hi all.

    In my case I want if one number is higher than the other, the action will be sprite(object) will run Fade In.

    But fade in happens every time(while true), when number still goes higher.

    I need to Fade In happen once while true.

    So I added System-Trigger Once and still it triggers every time while true, not once.

    How do I make the fade in effect happen once, when event comparing two number is true?

  • Thank you for the direction! I made it work with own requirements.


    This might be what you are after :

  • Yes, you're absolutely right! Finally I see the result of what I mean! :)

  • Hi all. What I mean by "running" score is:

    For example, player gets 500 worth of coins, which will be displayed on the Main Score on the top of the screen,

    and what I want is that number 500 will not appear on top immediately, but count from existing Main Score, plus those 500, with animation like "running" number, and once it reached previous sum+500 will stop.

    Hope you understand, what I mean. It's hard to explain and even harder for me to find anything in the forum or google.

    Hoping for the help.


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