How to create a leaderboard, that will work with google play?

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  • Hi all,

    I've been searching here and there and trying on my own, but I haven't been able to understand how to implement a leaderboard into a Construct 3 project that will work with Google Play. I've read Scirra's manual, but it seems that many steps are missing for a person without special understanding.

    It seems there's much to setup in the Play Store itself. The game is published there, just the achievements and scoreboard I don't understand how to setup.

    I would be very thankful if someone could share a complete "how-to" guide. πŸ™

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  • Hi.

    There are a lot of videos on youtube on this subject.

    I don't understand why you don't want to watch the video and figure it out.

    You're waiting for someone to sit down and write a manual for you.

  • Quite a strong reply.

    I watched some videos, and I've tried to figure it out on my own, but I found it very hard.

    The videos I found on YouTube weren't helpful when it comes to using it with Google Play leaderboard. I've seen some videos regarding implementation with Unity, but they didn't help me with Construct.

    If someone has walked through the steps or found any relevant materials, please share them, because it is not clear how to implement it, specifically with Google Play.

    I've seen you being helpful on forums before, but it's very strange to see you assuming things so confidently.

    If you didn't want to be helpful, why didn't you just skip? I am allowed to comment as well. I always find forums to be helpful, and the topic is "How do I."

  • It's good that you found a video for unity.

    They're a great help to figure it out.

    Everything the video does in the developer console fits.

    In the console, you need to create a key to authorize android users and sign it "SHA-1".

    You need to create one leaderboard and copy its identifier.

    And in the game on Construct3 everything is simple. You conduct a sign-in. After logging in, you can ask for player data and display the leaderboard in the native way. You can create a custom leaderboard using text.

    Here's a thread on the forum where I recently tried to help.

  • Thanks! Will look into it πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

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