Thank you. I really appreciate the effort
R0J0hound , sadly it seems you're right, it doesn't look to good. Can you please modify it and try it with your suggestions? Except the one where all objects have the same number of frames, I really can't have/do that unfortunately.
Olso another thing to keep in mind please,(cause I played around a bit with your loppindex params and I'm not sure in the end if I could make it work in my game) is:
(by the way using params is a new experience for me, I've never used params on functions before, don't really understand how they work )
- when a row of monsters/ammo gets created it's "inactive" it's basically just to show the player what's coming next(like you would see the next block that's gonna come in tetris), the sprites will be 45x45 and their first move on y will be of 60px
- when they move the first time(60px) they will get resized to 65x65 and every time they move on y after that they will be moving 71px instead of 60.
I'm afraid, is that a bit more flexibility then your example allows for?
Here's a pic of my movement and resizing code so you can see exactly what I'm talking about.