lamar's Recent Forum Activity

  • Awesome, thank you for your answer!

    How would one go about making one level increasingly faster, and creating faster spawns?

    You use a global variable timer for spawning and decrease the amount of time between spawns.

    Global Variable TIMER = 3

    Every TIMER seconds: Spawn Enemy

    On Difficulty = 1 Set TIMER = 3

    On Difficulty =2 Set TIMER = 2

    On Difficulty =3 Set Timer = 1

    That way the spawn is faster and more difficult.

  • You need a Global Variable to keep track of your score.

    Create a Global Variable and call it Score.

    Global Variable Score = 0

    Now each time they get a correct answer use Add To in the systems command to add it to Score.

    On Correct Answer: Add To Score +10

    Then set the text to the Score variable with no quotation marks

    Set Text1 to Score

  • They use TotalDistance for scoring in that example.

    Add the Scirra Arcade object to your layout (second object) and add this line to the event:

    You will need to upload to the scirra arcade and create a leader board for the game and then it will submit that TotalDistance to the leader board at the end of the game.

    If you want to Save it locally while you play use the Save and Load commands.

  • lamar

    I am referring to the following:

    Changing the width and height will not create such effect.

    Can someone guide me in the right direction? Thanks.

    Changing the sprite used for the effect and width and height settings will give you that effect but if you want a different answer I wish you luck!

  • lamar

    Yes, however I still need to find a way to create that sharp edge and blade effect.

    The effect is in the capx. The height and width can be adjusted for the effect you want.

  • You can upload to the Scirra arcade in the free version right?

    Export it to scirra arcade and upload to the arcade and share that link with your friends.

  • I need to buy construct 2 for that to work?

    Click on the export button on top of layout. You should see at the bottom Desktop NW.js.

    I think that is included with the free version but I could be wrong?

  • Sorry to bother some more but having trouble making a version that's playable without the program installed. I wanted to show it off to my friends. Figured I would ask here instead of a new topic.

    You can export it as a playable NW.js file.

    That will give you versions for apple, Unix and windows 32 or 64 bit so they can be played on any PC.

  • Did you download the capx:

    You can adjust the swipe using the Height and Width settings for the swipe sprite to make it smoother.

  • You can have multiple copies of a sprite created and they will only respond to a hit on a specific sprite without affecting the other sprites.

    You can also choose sprites of the same copy by the unique UID and destroy or affect them through events.

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  • Oldest trick in the book and seems to be used even on Scirra arcade to create multiple accounts to keep your games at the top of the charts and down vote anyone's game that might compete against yours for a prize.

    Arcades thrive by boasting of numbers of players online so they turn a blind eye to multiple accounts and this could easily be solved by requiring a reputation point system for anyone wanting to rank a game.

    On Scirra they should require at least 500 reputation points or be a licensed developer to vote on any games in the arcade and that would end people making multiple accounts just to vote up their own games.

    I seen that kongregate scam going on from the beginning so I don't even try to enter their events for prizes anymore. If you complain they will go after you like wolves and there are cliques of developers mostly from other countries besides the US that work together to vote up each others games so one of them ends up with a prize each time.

  • Many ways to add difficulty to a game.

    Increase the number of enemies or obstacles.

    Increase the speed and artificial intelligence of enemies.

    Make player handicapped with less ammo or reduce number of health restore items.

    Change the scenery using lighting effects. Make the player play the levels in the dark, rain, snow etc.

    Make jumping platforms farther apart and make obstacles they have not seen to slide under or crawl up.

    create puzzles like switches or keys to find and make those harder to solve in harder levels.

    Change the physics of the player. Make them fly through a level or skateboard or hop or take away gravity.

    Just a few ways to add difficulty to a level.