lamar's Recent Forum Activity

  • Well, some of those games cheat to get to the top using a paid service to download and even click the ads so I would not put a lot of weight on those numbers and I would not go that route as it is dishonest.

    Some games get a lot of publicity from their own promotions on facebook and other social networks like Reddit but unless the reviews are legitimate and many are not again it is dishonest.

    Some games go viral if they are really good and they usually have some unique mechanics not seen before in games like Flappy bird and candy crush used some unique mechanics.

    So just focus on making a unique game with great mechanics, graphics and fun to play and then promote the heck out of it on all the social networks and hope for the best.

  • > you can set the double jump on in the platform settings but then the player needs to contact a platform before they can jump again.



    Then do a workaround. On descent spawn a tiny invisible platform for the player to make contact with and do his air jump.

    On Is Jumping | Destroy Platform

    On Is Falling | Spawn Platform Player.Y + 10 Pixels

    Every Tick | Set Platform.X to Player.X

    I have tried that but it gives a jerky response. You can see the player contact the platform.

    I may be able to tweak gravity and increase jump strength but I think I am going to have to go with physics in order for it to maintain the momentum of the vine swing.

    It works with double jump off one vine but when you contact the next vine there is no momentum for a second jump because of the way platformers are set up.

    I will get my capx up and let you guys play with it and see what you come up with for a solution.

  • .

    Yes it moves but it moves a set distance because there is no momentum calculated in so basically you are walking steps a set amount instead of actually jumping.

    It is the difference of when you run to the end of a platform and jump or just stand on the end of the platform and jump. Once your player is in the air there is no platform to add momentum so you get a set jump a set distance.

    It might work for the OP if all he needs is to stay in one position but it misses the mark for what I am doing.

    Thanks anyway!

  • I would need to see your capx to tell what you have going on.

    Hard to trouble shoot without that.

  • >


    I looked at the CAPX and it might work for the OP application but not for what I am doing and it does not simulate a real jump which goes forward not just up from a swinging vine. The speed the player is moving effects that jump which is missing in your example. I tried it with my game and player falls down instead of jumping because no forward momentum.

    Once that player is up you are just maintaining the vector but not simulating an actual jump with momentum. I may be able to tweak it by changing gravity and and hang time.

    Thanks though and maybe the OP will be able to use it. I will post my capx if I get it to work with what I am trying to do which is a Tarzan vine swinging style game.

  • Just want to help people save some money:

    The filing fee is $35 however that is for an entire file of associated work.

    So you can put all your created artwork, sprites, music, sound effects, screen shots, layout and events sheets and anything associated with a game and file it all for that $35 as a compilation work.

    Just be sure it is all your own work and that is how I file my copyrights for media all the time.

    I would be happy to explain DMCA take down notices to get your copyrighted work taken down and the legal process of copyright litigation if anyone is interested?

    I have done DMCA takedowns several times over the years.

  • As mentioned here already, your artwork is protected by copyright the moment it's created. I think the main reason people register their art is to prove WHEN they created it if a dispute goes to court. You can save yourself a lot of money by mailing your designs to yourself and leave it unopened, and let a judge open it.

    Sorry but that old mail to yourself does nothing to prove copyright.

    You either need to register your copyright with the US library of congress or publish your work somewhere with the copyright notice and your name and year created attached which is evidence it is your work.

    You can get a notary public to stamp documents that gives it some credibility with courts but for legal purposes the work needs to be registered or publicly published to have much weight.

    I have dozens of registered copyrights on books, ebooks, plans, music and other media.

  • > you can set the double jump on in the platform settings but then the player needs to contact a platform before they can jump again.


    > I have not found a way to continually jump using platform because of that and air jumping does not seem possible but of someone has figured it out I would be interested as well.


    Actually the set Y vector idea I mentioned would work for infinite air jumping, you;d just need to set a timer for it to have intervals.

    On button pressed, set Y Vector to negative (your value),

    On button is down, every X seconds, set Y vector to negative (you value)

    Nope sorry- doesn't work with Platformer behavior. It will play an animation but is not a jump and the platformer has to contact a platform in order to perform another jump.

    BUT if you want to post a capx I will look at your solution.

  • So you want it to rotate right?

    Pinning with physics gives some strange effects that over rides natural physics.

    Try a physic joint instead and here is my ragdoll capx if that helps. Also make sure both are set to allow rotation in the settings. ... .capx?dl=0

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  • you can set the double jump on in the platform settings but then the player needs to contact a platform before they can jump again.

    I have not found a way to continually jump using platform because of that and air jumping does not seem possible but if someone has figured it out I would be interested as well.

  • In your layout or on the game screen?

    You can set the grid in the layout in the view settings. Hit enter key after changing the setting and hit show grid.

    If you mean you want a snap to grid in your game then you need a sprite to use as a cursor set to the size of a grid square you want and you will need to check the mouse X and Y to see if it has moved left, right, up or down from the old location and then move your sprite used for a cursor the amount of change you want for the grid.

  • How many possible answers in each round?

    If you want to do it randomly you would need a trigger for each possible answer to turn that answer event off when they get it correct.