lamar's Recent Forum Activity

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    I will get the ball rolling and answer my own post.

    I have been playing around with C3 quite a bit since it was released.

    I was not very happy with the rollout beta which I could not get to open and run at first. With some tweaking to get my Chrome version to work and disabling adblock and enabling popups I was finally able to try some of the demos.

    One of the first things I noticed was the error message saying the demos were not fully supported in the beta due to event limitations. I did finally get one of the demos to play .

    I tried loading a couple of my own small games with few events and no addons and plugins but after loading I got a white screen on one and errors on the other. I did finally get one of my games with less than 20 events to load and run.

    I have been trying to learn the new C3 controls and layout and still having trouble finding things like how to do snap to grid? Has anyone figured that out?

    I had the engine crash a few times for unexplained reasons and I thought Scirra said they had internal bug reporting in C3 but when trying to report bugs on a new engine without knowing how that engine is supposed to function except by comparing it to C2 became an act in futility.

    I got a few simple test games I designed to run but I am so used to C2 that I spent a lot of time just trying to figure how to do the same things in C3 that I do without thinking much about in C2.

    So a little about me. I am a retired professional educator and publisher and now small time game developer for niche games and education games. I am old and started programming on a Vic20 and I have seen many game languages and engines come and go.

    I have been using C2 as my primary design engine because it is fast and fairly simple to use to create a game and I am not really looking to go big time and I am under no illusion that my games will be console quality. They are popular with the niche audience I design for and that is good enough for me.

    My overall impression of C3 is it is C2 in a browser but not a fully working version and I detest Chrome for many reasons and putting an engine in a browser just makes no sense to me but maybe other people like it. I do worry that the Chrome interface is going to cause problems with C3 in the future and WebGl is still just an experimental feature of Chrome that they may decide tomorrow to get rid of and do something different.

    So, I will not be subscribing to C3 in the foreseeable future and if Scirra abandons C2 I will be disappointed in their choice but there are lots of engines out there and more each year it seems so I will be looking around for something with a visual editor and if it does 3D even better.

    I am interested in seeing if C3 is popular and I do hope it helps people that can't use C2 like Mac and Unix users and will eventually have the exporters that many of the C2 users have asked for and I hope it is everything people are looking for.

    It is just not what I want.

  • I have started a new thread now that most of us have tried C3 and I would love to hear your feedback about C3.

    So What Is Your Second Impression of C3 And Will You Buy?

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    Most of you have probably had a chance to try C3 by now and a week to play around with it so after using it for awhile what is your second impression and will you be subscribing to C3?

    Please tell us how you will be using C3 if you will be subscribing and if you are a serious game designer, small time game designer, hobbyist, educator or using the engine for some other purpose?

    Also please tell us if you are a long time C2 user or new to game design or switching from some other engine to a Sciirra engine?

    If you won't be subscribing to C3 please tell us why and if anything would change your mind?

    If you have a specific bug issue please report it in the bug section so it can be addressed and let's keep this thread to your impressions, uses planned for C3 and reasons to subscribe or not please.

    Thanks and let's try to keep this thread on topic and civil please.

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  • Please don't take this thread off topic and there is lots of good feedback here for Tom and Ashley to consider.

    There is a topic on Jams for those questions.


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    > Hijacking?


    > Every question I have posed has been directly related to the complaints of the OP and many other people on this thread.


    > No one forces you to read or respond to my posts.


    No, you're repeating the same stuff over and over again everywhere.

    You're a firebug, you're forcing Ashley or Tom to repeatedly read your posts and respond to them.

    The only post I repeated was a post that Ashley asked for feedback on and then refused to answer.

    You are welcome to your opinion but the forum is for people to ask questions and get help from Scirra and other members.

    I haven't seen you around much and certainly haven't seen you helping anyone in the How Do I thread?

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    I'm usually only reading on this forum but I'm getting sick of the way you're hijacking threads lamar. Could you please stop with this nonsense. Critique and discussions in a civilized manner are a great thing but you're constantly hijacking threads, mixing up or completely changing the many concerns of the opening or follow up posts to fit your agenda and then repeatedly target Ashely and Tom with an incredible amount of posts that never lead anywhere and finally destroy the whole thread.


    Every question I have posed has been directly related to the complaints of the OP and many other people on this thread.

    No one forces you to read or respond to my posts.

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    8,000 unique people tried it in the first 24 hours.

    [quote:2nlar7lh]Now how many of those were unique users because I opened C3 at least 10 times that first day trying to get things to work?

    Your questions are posed in an aggravating way.

    Well I don't see how they can be aggravating by telling the truth that I had lots of problems getting C3 to open and run and that has been widely reported in the bugs?

    I think people looking at buying C3 want to know what those numbers are to see if it is going to be popular and have staying power so it will be supported in the future.

    First impression of an engine means a lot so many people will try something that is free but that doesn't meant they liked it or will continue using it or buy it.


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    > I guess Tom and Ashley could tell us what the unique download or use numbers have been for C3 and that would give us at least an idea of how many people tried the beta?


    > I would be interested in seeing that number?


    > Like how many tried it the first day and how many new people are trying it each day?


    Here's some numbers for you: ... 2038028289

    10,000 pretty good!

    Now how many of those were unique users because I opened C3 at least 10 times that first day trying to get things to work?

    How many of those people are still using C3 now after a week?

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    > > I would say that getting this community more involved would be a great start. Conducting direct polls and really having a way for supporters to give feedback.

    > >

    > This has worked against us in the past. The multiplayer feature was massively voted for, but from the data we look at, very few people actually use it. So the hype effect is a big distorting factor in polls. I don't regret it, it was a super interesting project to work on, but it's something to bear in mind, and is the main reason I have avoided polls since then.


    > Having said that, we do have a feature-voting system planned anyway but I am going to strongly caveat it with warnings that "votes are not a guarantee of implementation", for exactly the reason we had with multiplayer. Also I can easily imagine things like 3D becoming #1 voted features, and there are a wide range of reasons why we're holding off on that.


    Glad to see that there is a feature voting system planned. Could one possible solution be to have users submit requests, but these be collated and curated by Scirra who then select several which are in line with your objectives with C3 and then the community votes on those? That way you still have control, but we have a good idea of what's coming and are still influencing the direction of the product to a degree. Just an idea anyway, I understand opening it up to everybody would be chaos, but I think that some sort of dialogue between Scirra and its customers on features is still important.

    Would you buy a car because the car salesman says they will listen to you and maybe fix things you find wrong with it or put in features you want later?

    Just sayin'

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    Having worked with UDK and previously Unreal 3 in the past I thought i'd weigh in on this.

    At it's height, Epic had around 10 programmers working full time on the engine for each stable release and 2 Scripters working on the front end code not to mention the entire team that worked on Kismet function (the visual scripting part).

    Scirra has Ashley and

    My point being; the amount of time it takes to write new features vs the rate they're expected by the user base is vastly disproportionate.

    Either we have a stable engine that exports to a fair few platforms or we have a largely broken engine that has a lot of features (see the early days of Unity engine or the first few months of Unreal 4).

    There's always going to be limitations to what Construct can do and the guys are simply moving the engine in a direction that will allow Scirra to keep growing as a business and better develop the product we're all paying for.

    With only a couple of people working on the backend nobody can seriously expect everything in this thread to be addressed immediately and in the lifetime of C2 we've had a whole lot of new features and things the community has asked for, but everything takes time.

    Personally I don't like the idea of a browser based system, but that's just it, I don't like the idea of it. Nobody can judge C3 yet and I wouldn't expect it to be in a state where anyone can judge or berate it for at least the next 12 months.

    So are you willing to wait 5 years for C3 to work fairly well like C2 that still has many bugs and exporters that don't work properly?

    Keep in mind many of those features, workarounds and plugins we use in our C2 games were actually created by outsiders not Scirra and those will not work in C3 with out a rewrite and many of those designers have moved on to other engines.

    I don't see many of the C2 plugin designers jumping for joy for C3 and wanting to design for that engine.

    What is to say Scirrra won't decide to abandon C3 for their next big idea in a few years?

    Many people outside of Scirra put time and effort into making C2 workable now feel abandoned by Scirra. Not a good business practice in my opinion.

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    So- has anyone started a thread to find out if anyone actually wants a C3 Chrome browser based engine?

    Some of the people on this thread have claimed most people want that but I am sure not seeing it.

    I guess Tom and Ashley could tell us what the unique download or use numbers have been for C3 and that would give us at least an idea of how many people tried the beta?

    I would be interested in seeing that number?

    Like how many tried it the first day and how many new people are trying it each day?

    Of course that isn't going to tell us how many people will buy C3 and lots of people will try anything that is free and considering this is a subscription product it will probably not be something people buy to try.

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    Obviously there will be bugs on the first days of release. The whole point of a beta is for bugs like this to surface and be dealt with.

    Oh really?

    Well if that is the case C2 should be bug free after 5 years right?

    Visited the C2 bug section lately?