In a sense.. there's not been anything meaningful advance on coding since the C was created. Everything later(C++, Java, JS) has been just libraries and syntactic sugar atop that. Actually, with some additions, games like this could well be made with Lisp. <img src="smileys/smiley23.gif" border="0" align="middle" />
IMHO the claim that one 'does not write code' with Construct is more marketing than anything real. Since all in all programming is just making bunch of instructions for computer to do what's asked to... And in the end the 'language' ain't the most important factor.
I know some people who still do games/demos etc with computers like C64 and Vic20... So it's matter of perspective I'd say.
What really matter is that tool fits the need, it does what's supposed to do and produces decent results.