Just as a report for the matter of the Android topic and not specifically addressing stevefromio
While Android is indeed a minefield. There are good practices when one understands the Android eco system. The article is good coverage that the IOS ecosystem is very different from Android and indeed Android takes a different route. But knowing how to "play the game" of the ecosystem on Android can prove to me more profitable than on IOS. One of the large and money consuming problems is different platforms. Going from one platform to another platform on a post production can be very expensive. However PC developers have pretty much had to deal with different hardware issues for years and do so well.
In the long run our use of C2 I feel is a doubles bladed sword. On one hand we don't need to concern our selves with platform porting. What we create is mostly multiplat by nature. WebGL in theory should by the WebGL developers take into account the multiplatform fiddly bits. However the other side of the blade is that we wait for them.
If more developers took Android seriously such as FireAxis games X-Com we would see that success. However too many IOS developers using specific IOS code try to port to Android and expect a near 100% port. Which isn't the case. So they need sink a lot of money into the port which cuts into the profits and makes the overall effort a negative experience.
Time is the ultimate ally of the consumer and with our current contenders Android is the going to be winner. But by no means should any one consider IOS not a successful platform. it's great :)