striimix's Recent Forum Activity

  • rexrainbow Awesome plugin, but I encountered one inaccuracy during its use (while year, month, minutes, seconds are working perfectly, I get wrong results when trying to return the current "Date.Day"... while I should be getting 29th day I'm getting day 3 instead.

    I confirmed this on ipad mini as well (same day 3 of July instead of 29th).

  • Those are indeed some great tools. Since you mention that you do not have a digital drawing board, perhaps it would be smart to work with vectors. Use inkscape and study different styles of art and discover your own style. As with any talent, you only get better with time - no program will turn you immediately into an amazing artist. While Krita has lots of awesome tools that allows pretty much anyone to do quick sketches in just few minutes, turning those sketches and building a vision for art and what works for the game only comes through vigorous study.

    Here's few resources to help you get started: ... -cms-21870

    Good luck on your learning journey and have fun!

  • Is this working well on exported iOS and Android builds? The reason why I'm asking, is not to waste for example 2 weeks waiting a response from Apple only to find out that they do not allow certain tracking done by Flurry... this brings up another question, are you using restricted feature set? I'm wondering if it's required for iOS.

    Earlier I was thinking about working on a GameAnalytics ( integration, but if Flurry is already working well on both platforms I might just give it a try. I remember having tried Flurry way back in my web development days, but I never used it on applications. What I read so far makes it seem pretty solid though.

  • Thanks for the clarification R0J0hound

    it indeed seems very complicated change - and good point about the tilemaps! Just after posting here, I thought about the tilemap case being unnecessary (it must be these late working hours that made me not think straight). After few "quick" tests with image points, I decided better to not edit the physics engine but go with "fake it until you make it" approach instead. Basically "tricking" the system to have the center correctly set by having size adjusted invisible sprite with chipmunk physics and the real sprite pinned onto the chipmunk object

  • >

    > It's not using the object's origin, it's just using the center of the object regardless of where the origin is. It was an oversight to not take into account the center of a polygon shape. I'll be taking a look into it.


    Dont want to seem pushy but how is this coming along.


    R0J0hound , & spongehammer

    I was looking into that, but I'm not sure what would be the best way? Perhaps directly addressing to the center of the object as the first imagepoint of the sprite?

    I believe the part of the code that should be edited is around lines 183->

    cp.centroidForPoly = function(verts)
    	var sum = 0;
    	var vsum = new Vect(0,0);
    	for(var i=0, len=verts.length; i<len; i+=2){
    		var v1 = new Vect(verts[i], verts[i+1]);
    		var v2 = new Vect(verts[(i+2)%len], verts[(i+3)%len]);
    		var cross = vcross(v1, v2);
    		sum += cross;
    		vsum = vadd(vsum, vmult(vadd(v1, v2), cross));
    	return vmult(vsum, 1/(3*sum));
    cp.recenterPoly = function(verts)
    	var centroid = cp.centroidForPoly(verts);
    	for(var i=0; i<verts.length; i+=2){
    		verts[i] -= centroid.x;
    		verts[i+1] -= centroid.y;
    also lines 1532->
    /// Position of the rigid body's center of gravity.
    	this.p = new Vect(0,0);
    	/// Velocity of the rigid body's center of gravity.
    	this.vx = this.vy = 0;
    	/// Force acting on the rigid body's center of gravity.
    	this.f = new Vect(0,0);[/code:2noityua]
    However, the problem with the solution is that how objects without imagepoint such as tilemaps would have their center calculated correctly with the introduction of the secondary imagepoint as center of mass feature? Did you have any breakthrough idea on this R0J0?
    p.s. @mattb that's nicely done steam effect
  • The "Recreate initial objects" has no way of determining if the recreated object already exists, so you won't be able to use it unless you systematically destroy objects that are about to be recreated.

    If the blocks were perfectly aligned on a grid, I'd say using a tilemap would be best, or an array solution could work too.

    Magistross Awesome work! However, I wonder now why would tilemap be best? Isn't this partially similar to how render cells work? So wouldn't destroying parts of tilemap and recreating them ultimately hinder performance, since it could make C2's "render cells" optimization inefficient as your solution would duplicate it partially? Or am I missing something here?

  • eliasfrost it seems we've had pretty similar experiences =) I realized I didn't tell any tips how to find people, because maybe some people are not solo indie developers by choice but just can't find likeminded people who would enjoy working on the same project for long term... Anyways, it's definitely not easy... I had really good luck finding the right people in the network of friends. However, I've met great people also at local IGDA gatherings. I would definitely recommend those if you're feeling like meeting other people interested in games and game development.

  • I would say all of these can be seen from different perspectives... the pros could easily be seen also as cons... for example, game studios might see it as a big warning sign that the person has created something alone (does it mean he can not get along in a team, he's only able to operate well alone?)

    I used to work on medium sized game projects alone, and when founding my game company I surrounded myself with amazing individuals and took great care in selection of the right people for the team. I would argue that having a small indie team can easily outweigh any of the pros of being an indie developer. Sure, it takes time to manage a team but on the other hand, you can have 3 people working on separate tasks that otherwise would require you nearly three times longer development cycle.

    It's interesting point considering that you have infinite time... actually we don't - time is the most limited resource what we have! Once you spend it, you never get it back. Money can always be made, but the time you spend you never get back... just food for thought. I would recommend solo indie developers at least try finding one like-minded person that could collaborate. I guarantee that the creative discussion, brainstorming and sometimes maybe even argumentation of game design choices ultimately leads to much better game than you could create alone (with the assumption you indeed find a great person to work with... just one wrong person in a team can completely trash the atmosphere, so also tread carefully and choose well who you collaborate with)..

  • Nixel Some nice titles you've been playing to! In the end it all boils down to whom you are making games for =) If you want to implement some pattern finding to the game, you could include phases to the bosses just like in the alien hominid For example, once you destroy some body part, another body part becomes vulnerable etc. Good luck with this project, it's really nice direction you're going to. Did you make the tracker music yourself by the way?

  • I don't know if I ever properly introduced myself... anyways, I'm Markus - hailing from Finland, the promised land of quality games I originally started using C2 for quick prototypes just, but soon I noticed that with custom javascript it's suitable for even bigger game projects. Scirra has done an awesome job on improving it continuously =) While I was studying game design in Brazil, my professor introduced me to this engine and it was ridiculously easy to pick up =) Much more intuitive to use than anything else available.

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  • yup, I figured it out quickly.. but then again, I'm really old school gamer (started in 1990s with C64... so probably I'm used to being a clueless gamer trying all the possible things to find out patterns and reverse engineering the game in my mind while playing it...) maybe for the average player it might be good to have some clue (like make the boss flash or something when you hit in the mouth, and otherwise remain normal when shooting at wrong places.) Also, perhaps you could even have different sound effect on hitting the mouth.

  • Stuck at the loader... doesn't load anything it seems :/

    *EDIT* I left it there on the background and after some minutes it loaded... how heavy is the game? it would be interesting to see how you're trying to load balance the events, since perhaps there's some issue of you trying to load everything at the very same tick.

    As for the feedback, nice megaman vibe going on there... I enjoyed playthrough of first level. There's some finetunement needed here and there (you could for example absorb the boss shots that go below you while you stand safely on the platform (I guess that's not intended, it seemed very easy).

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