striimix's Forum Posts

  • Would be awesome if Scirra made dependency feature in Scirra store, that would just combine two items (template and the plugin) in the background, but I'm pretty sure it's the last thing they think of now.

    Easiest way of achieving this would be via bundles, I suppose... bundling the template together with the plugins

  • >

    > p.s. any response towards giving users some control over which assets are combined to which spritesheets?


    I've asked for this feature already. Possibly an automated method is coming for C3 based on this response. But probably only if more people ask for it as Ashley doesn't think its a major issue. I've stuck with C2 so that I can take advantage of one spritesheet per sprite.

    Ahh, so you're in the same boat as I am... for in-house projects still having to use C2.

    For this specific client work, I preferred using C3 to support further development of it (we got the standard business license, although we're a startup). It's great that we no longer need jQuery, but I certainly hope that later on in the future we get a bit more control over spritesheeting.

  • > They want to have the art assets hidden and reduce the amount of HTTP requests (the individual sprites I can easily encode as data URIs, but currently having to reverse the spritesheeting makes it a bit more cumbersome).


    This makes no sense. Spritesheeting does reduce the number of HTTP requests. Besides, HTTP2 makes it a moot point since it makes the cost of additional HTTP requests so low. It sounds like someone's confused about what's going on or what's important to optimise.

    The end result is a single HTML file, so it's only one HTTP request. I never claimed this to be optimizing, it is only to adhere to client wishes as I mentioned earlier.

    Ashley I completely agree with you though that this cripples the project performance, but at least the client gets the desired result.

    p.s. any response towards giving users some control over which assets are combined to which spritesheets? I tried to ask about it couple of times, and it would be really great to see. In C2, I'm able to do it based on the order of sprite object generation and animations, but I haven't so far found out a way to replicate it in C3.

    Any plans on implementing this kind of feature? (e.g.a spritesheet group number as a variable for the sprite object, The logic could be with default value being 0 and then the spritesheet process works as it does currently, but anything else would be spritesheeted accordingly to the group number)?

  • > We're working with a client, who wishes to have all art assets as a BLOB (Binary large object).


    You could provide the art assets to them separately. Why would they insist the exported version be like that? I'm afraid we need a good answer to that to justify spending development time on it when we have dozens of other things to be working on.

    They want to have the art assets hidden and reduce the amount of HTTP requests (the individual sprites I can easily encode as data URIs, but currently having to reverse the spritesheeting makes it a bit more cumbersome).

    I think it's fine that the Scirra team focuses on other more important issues at hand. I only wondered, if this feature would have been easy to accomplish. Personally, I consider more important having the possibility of controlling which assets go to which spritesheets, for example, to ensure that the art assets can be handled in an optimized way (and unnecessary sprites are rarely loaded). Let's take the scenario of having a menu and a game layout. It would be better to have the game assets in a separate 1024x1024 spritesheet and menu assets in 512x512 spritesheet than combining them together to a huge 2048x2048 spritesheet to have a lower memory overhead. When going to menu, one could have the game assets unloaded, and while in game, the menu assets unloaded. Any plans on implementing this kind of feature? (e.g.a spritesheet group number as a variable for the sprite object, The logic could be with default value being 0 and then the spritesheet process works as it does currently, but anything else would be spritesheeted accordingly to the group number)?

  • Here are the links:

    CAPX (non-Gamepad)

    CAPX (Gamepad)

  • No, because this will de-optimise your project. Why would you want that?

    We're working with a client, who wishes to have all art assets as a BLOB (Binary large object). Having all the sprites as separate images would make it easier to accomplish this, since the data.js file will then have image information correctly representing individual files rather than their positions on a spritesheet.

    Currently I am able to accomplish this, but it requires extracting the images separately from the project file and also modifying the data.js (so it is a very hacky way).

    Ashley I completely agree with you though that this cripples the project performance, but at least the client gets the desired result.

    Additional question, do we get more control later on over what assets are included on each spritesheet?

    For example, to optimize the memory overhead by ensuring that assets that rarely appear together will not get placed to the same spritesheet?

    Thanks for the great work with the engine!

  • Is there an option available for turning off the generating of a sprite sheet for the exported C3 HTML5 project (or a certain way to set up the project assets, so that they are not combined to the same sheet)?

  • Awesome, thanks =)

  • Gigatron Do you have any example about how to pass variables for seeking and repeating certain parts of the song? How do you adjust the speed of the track? (I tried passing integers such as 2,3 etc. before loading a track, but they didn't seem to have any effect)

  • Try Construct 3

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  • >


    > Construct 2 Check failure
    > ---------------------------
    > Check failure!  This is probably a bug:
    > Could not find object's combo property index
    > ...
    > [/code:3i27ddb3]
    > It's easily reproducible. Create a new project >> add photon >> try to run the demo and you get the error
    > ...
    Please choose correct value in Region combo in Photon object properties after adding the object.
    We will fix this in next release.

    Thanks! Seems to work just fine now.

  • > I'm getting this error:


    > ---------------------------

    > Construct 2 Check failure

    > ---------------------------

    > Check failure! This is probably a bug:


    > Could not find object's combo property index


    > Condition: index >= 0

    > File: Projects\ObjectInstance.cpp

    > Line: 704

    > Function: class cr::pod<class std::vector<struct era::InstanceProperty,class std::allocator<struct era::InstanceProperty> > > __cdecl ObjectInstanceERACallback::GetProperties(void) const

    > Build: release 231 (64-bit) checked

    > Component: Construct 2 IDE

    > (Last Win32 error: 0)

    > ...



    I do not see anything plugin related here. Have you reported a bug to Construct 2 developers?

    If you believe that this is plugin bug, please send us simple projects which reproduces it.

    I get similar error on any project:

    Construct 2 Check failure
    Check failure!  This is probably a bug:
    Could not find object's combo property index
    Condition: index >= 0
    File: Projects\ObjectInstance.cpp
    Line: 702
    Function: class cr::pod<class std::vector<struct era::InstanceProperty,class std::allocator<struct era::InstanceProperty> > > __cdecl ObjectInstanceERACallback::GetProperties(void) const
    Build: release 243 (64-bit) checked
    Component: Construct 2 IDE
    (Last Win32 error: 0)
    You are using a 'checked' release of Construct 2, intended for testing, which causes certain errors to be reported this way.  Hit Ctrl+C to copy this messagebox - it's useful information for the developers, so please include it with any bug reports!  Click 'Abort' to quit (unsaved data will be lost!),'Retry' to turn off messages for this session and continue, or 'Ignore' to continue normally.
    Keskeytä   Uudelleen   Ohita   
    It's easily reproducible. Create a new project >> add photon >> try to run the demo and you get the error
    If you remove Photon plugin, the error goes away. The same thing happens on any project, except on the sample projects that were created for demonstrating photon. Perhaps something has fundamentally changed compared to the older builds. However, this sort of error can not be reported to Scirra as they will not debug third-party plugins (and this error goes away with the removal of the Photon plugin).
    p.s. saw you guys (Photon) at the London Pocket Gamer... great stuff! Too bad the C2 IDE is causing some trouble for implementing your solution currently.
  • It sure is, you might probably want to plan it out initially on spreadsheet editor... you could plan out and test the simulations quickly there and I would recommend to start small, and grow it from there (so initially create simply the simulation between two teams).

  • Here's a quick trailer for our game's soft launch in Brazil:

  • You need to create logic chain for that... for exampe, one possible solution is that you have zone sprite. When the player is overlapping this zone sprite something happens, for example a object is randomly generated into the definite location you have in mind. The system expression can be used for creating a new object =)

  • I have had this same happen in my project of 1 year of age... I think it started happening around r212 or a bit after - not entirely sure anymore. The strangest thing is that my menu music seems to continue to work just fine (but all other audio doesn't, sound effects, level musics etc)..