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  • Hello,

    I'm making the main screen for a new game. I have one text object--called "options_button"--for all of the options. The default text is "CHALLENGE". I placed it into the room five times for each option:






    At the start of the layout, I pick each instance of the object and change the text accordingly. That works fine.

    However, I'm having trouble with setting text once I click on any instance of the object. For example, when I click "CHALLENGE", I want the text options to be:





    I cannot pick individual instances this time, for whatever reason. Or maybe I can, and just don't know how. I want the first set of options to change to the second set of options...without creating another object, preferably. How can I accomplish that?



    (6/20) SOLVED: I needed to run the System Pick All Instances event for the options_button object. Then each option text is checked...if the text is "CHALLENGE," it's changed to "SONG"..."FREEPLAY" to "LOCATION" and so on. It was a matter of simply checking the object.

  • Perhaps you could check if the "solid" object is colliding with another object. If that question is true, then nothing happens to the object below it. Just a thought, try it out

  • OMG that's a funny expression. Thanks!

  • Hello,

    Is there a way to create a new paragraph or line within a single text object? For instance, if I had a text object displaying a type of gun (pistol, shotgun, etc), then below it, I wanted to display the ammo. Almost like hitting "Enter" on a word processor. Is there a way to accomplish this?



  • I don't understand what you mean.

    "no gems game down bump"

    Please explain...? My game is working just fine, I tried it without signing in.

  • Um....what? haha

  • No, I can't even see it!

  • Hello,

    I completed my first Construct game, called Diamond Dreams.

    This game is simple, easy-to-play, and very addicting. The player must click on falling diamonds of a specified color to score points. If three incorrect diamonds are clicked on, or three correct diamonds fall through the screen, the player loses.

    You can play right here: ... ond-dreams

    Please "like," comment, and share the game.

    And I appreciate all feedback, as well!

  • Hello,

    I recently created a new game, "Diamond Dreams," and uploaded it to Scirra's arcade. I am currently trying to integrate it with Facebook, but am quite unsure how.

    I have set up an app on Facebook, and followed everything that the Scirra tutorial gave me. However, when I test the app in the Web Preview, the game does not display.

    Does anybody know why?

    IDK if you can see this or not, but here is the Web Preview: ... cale=en_US

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I updated Construct to r173.

    And I saved it to the Desktop, that worked. Thanks a ton!

  • OS: Windows 7

    Version of C2: Release 163 (64-bit)

    What is OS rights to export location? I also program with GameMaker, and I've never had any problems creating games with that.

    Minify: It won't allow me to select that when exporting to Scirra Arcade, but on HTML5, it's automatically checked.

  • Hello,

    I have finished my first Construct game, and I wish to publish it onto the internet. However, I am unable to export the project.

    When I select the "Scirra Arcade" option, it displays a message that says "Unknown Error during export."

    If I select the "HTML5 Website" option, it says it cannot open the file "[...]\index.html"

    Does anybody know how to fix this? Thanks.

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Member since 11 Dec, 2013

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