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  • Hello,

    I have an object (pedestrian). It has an instance variable (scale) that starts off as 0.2, and increases by 0.001 every tick. Naturally, the objects literal scale is assigned to this variable during every tick.

    When scale reaches 1.0, I want the object to be destroyed.

    However, it's not getting destroyed. It just keeps growing. Does anybody know why? Thanks.

  • Hello,

    I'm new with construct. One thing that I find weird is the use of Events/Actions/Conditions in place of loops (for, while, if/else, etc).

    Basically, I have an object that is outside of the layout (origin x=832, y=240). What I want to happen is this:

    If the Mouse.X if within Layout 1 x-192, the object should move left until it's origin reaches (640,240).

    And when the Mouse.X is less than the Layout 1 x-192, the object should start moving right until it's origin reaches (8.32,240) again.

    But I'm not quite sure how. Can somebody help me?



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  • Hello fellow programmers!

    I am Satellite23. I am a young, hobbyist programmer. I have used GameMaker for years and years (at least a decade), so I understand how to make fun, accessible games. I took one year of a Java class, and I have experimented with that on my own time.

    I've never been involved with any serious projects. I just like designing games for fun.

    Anyways, I heard many great things about Construct, so I decided to download the free version and start using. So far, I really like it. Reminds me a little bit like GM, which I am an expert at using.

    Alright, I just spent about three hours working on my first Construct project. It's a little Pong-type thing. No purpose, no goal, no end, just really simple stuff to get my feet wet. A similar project was also my first for Gamemaker when I started getting into it again about 4-5 years ago.

    Is there anywhere I can post the game so you guys can play it? I don't know if I should upload it to the site because it's not a real game, just a little thing I made. Wouldn't want to use the bandwith for a piece of junk.

    Anyways, thanks for reading this, and I hope to start using construct to make better, cooler games!


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Member since 11 Dec, 2013

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