satellite23's Forum Posts

  • Alright, I fixed it.

    For some reason, the origin points on the Wall object (which has different animation frames) were slightly decimal points. Duh. I should've seen that right away.


  • Hello,

    Relatively new to C3. I am building a platformer. I have the player (titled Red) that has the normal platform behavior. I have Wall objects that have the solid behavior.

    Sometimes when Red jumps and lands on a Wall, Red vibrates/bounces up-and-down for a few seconds. How can I fix this?

    I have checked the collision boxes, point of origins, everything.


  • Thanks!

    I tried Player

    Is overlapping Wall

    random(32, LayoutWidth-32) Y: random(32, LayoutHeight-32)

    So far, I haven't had it spawn within a wall.

    This will also be helpful for spawning enemies and other objects.

  • Hello,

    I designed a random dungeon generator. The dungeon's walls are solid.

    I have a player object with 8-directional control (WASD). I want the player to spawn at a random location within the dungeon. I currently have:

    [Player] On Created

    set position to X: random(32, LayoutWidth-32) Y: random(32, LayoutHeight-32)

    More often than not, the player spawns in an empty space, or the 8-Directional properties bump it out of a wall. However, occasionally the player spawns WITHIN the wall and can't move. How would I prevent this from happening?

  • Oh dur! I feel stupid now. For some reason, I totally forgot about the Spawn Object action. I have no idea why. Lol. Thank you!

  • Yeah but how do I create an object (Flash, for example) at that specific Mortar's position? There are multiple mortars on the screen at once. That's why I want to know how to pick UIDs.

  • Hello,

    I'm making some sort of firework simulator. I have a sprite called "Mortar" that is set on a timer. When the timer expires, I want to create a "Flash" sprite at it's exact location, plus some other things.

    The problem is that there could be multiple Mortars running at any point, so the program won't know which one to create the Flash at.

    I've looked into UIDs a little bit. How would I figure out an object's UID, then assign it's position to that specific ID?

  • eli0s,

    Thank you so much! I believe that example is similar to what I'm looking for.

  • Thanks for your quick reply. I have tried giving the zombies the bullet and solid behaviors, but that doesn't work for some reason. The zombies still overlap.

    The closest thing I've come up with so far is when a collision happens, to physically move both zombies. However, that looks really weird.

    You just gave me an idea...I'm about to test it out. Perhaps the zombies don't always have to be following the player...

  • Hello,

    I'm working on a zombie game. Every tick, each zombie object sets its angle towards the player and moves forward one pixel.

    This is fine when there is one zombie. However, when I add multiple zombies to the layout, they all walk towards the same position. At some point, they overlap and won't separate.

    How do I make it so that the zombies can't overlap?


  • Haha yeah, I meant choosing files the user has already downloaded. Spotify and other streaming services would be wayyyy too difficult, I imagine.

    That seems to be similar to what I want. Thanks for the links. I'll mess around with it and see if I can figure something out.

    Thank you!

  • Hello,

    I'm making a firework simulator/game which is heavily centered around the soundtrack. I have imported a nice selection for the game myself, but I wonder it it's possible to use the game to load sounds from an external library--say, iTunes or Windows Media Player.

    For example, the player looks at the soundtrack and thinks it's terrible. He wants to use a song from his personal library instead.

    As the developer, is there a way for me to allow access to that directory, then individually play that song in the game? I honestly have minimal experience with doing that type of stuff, so any advice at all would be helpful.


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  • Hello,

    I'm making the main screen for a new game. I have one text object--called "options_button"--for all of the options. The default text is "CHALLENGE". I placed it into the room five times for each option:






    At the start of the layout, I pick each instance of the object and change the text accordingly. That works fine.

    However, I'm having trouble with setting text once I click on any instance of the object. For example, when I click "CHALLENGE", I want the text options to be:





    I cannot pick individual instances this time, for whatever reason. Or maybe I can, and just don't know how. I want the first set of options to change to the second set of options...without creating another object, preferably. How can I accomplish that?



    (6/20) SOLVED: I needed to run the System Pick All Instances event for the options_button object. Then each option text is checked...if the text is "CHALLENGE," it's changed to "SONG"..."FREEPLAY" to "LOCATION" and so on. It was a matter of simply checking the object.

  • Perhaps you could check if the "solid" object is colliding with another object. If that question is true, then nothing happens to the object below it. Just a thought, try it out

  • OMG that's a funny expression. Thanks!