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  • Hi everyone,

    I am working on jigsaw puzzle game & I gave a check. I find interesting solutions but still issues are there

    The first example is great but it is dependent on lots of layers & flexibility is also low. Regarding 2nd example ( R0J0hound one), it is dependent on construct 2 & I don't have that.

    Can anyone please help me how to approach this issue? I tried to understand R0J0HOUND explanation but I didn't got it (something related to drawing canvas)

  • I had exported my games using latest stable version & ads were running fine( I selected no minification)

    If current stable version is causing issues then it is issue with servers

  • Hi,

    Congrats for the release. BTW how much does it cost to port to consoles?

  • the back button does not work if you use splashcreen plugin (which is always used for Construct builds). This is a very well known issue.

    There are three "solutions":

    1. use a fork of the splashscreen plugin (prageeth)

    2. remove splashscreen plugin

    3. remove line 103 from the splashscreen java file

    Thanks for the reply. BTW what does splashscreen plugin does? And how to remove it (do I have to tick an option in construct 3?)

  • Hi everyone

    Today I got an email from samsung app store. They told that "back button does not work at all". They even send a video of that 😁

    While in my mobile when I press back button the app closes.

    But today I noticed that if I run the app for some time then back button later does not work at all. They were actually correct

    So friends,any idea about this?

  • Hi everyone,

    I have completed & launched my game "Word Puzzles Collection". It is combination of many word puzzles games (Trivia,Crossword,Riddles,Phrases & much, much more). Please surely give a try & provide your valuable feedback 👍


  • I think Y8 is good for newbie developers. Because it has the same audience as android, but it is different people.

    And you can test how your game is performing in the fight conditions.

    there is API that allows you to earn more there. API isn't very hard, you just need to copy past JS code from API project to your project.

    Thanks a lot for the reply

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Hi,

    Tried your game. It is great & you have put a lot of efforts into the game

    BTW what is your experience with y8 games?

  • Ashley Hello. I used 268s version and have sprite render issues, images not showed. But I try to use 241 version of c3 and issues are gone ( but! they are gone in 15.1 IOS, in 15.0.2 IOS they are still exist, but with 268s version of c3 and 15.1 IOS issues exist too, when I switch project to 241 version, they are gone) 🙃

    This surely looks important. Maybe this can solve (or at least corner) the issue

  • Again apologies for the inconvenience, but in future in case the build server is not accessible for any reason, note you can also do manual offline builds using the Cordova CLI as described in this tutorial. The process does not use the build server at all. So if you have any time-critical work, you should still be able to export and build that way instead.

    1.) This tutorial was written in 2017 & many things have changed since then (like .aab instead of .apk etc). Please update the tutorial

    2.) For slow learner like me, please add more details & steps so that I can easily succeed in implementing it

  • > 1.)So you mean to say it is my responsibility to figure out in advance that servers are gonna be down. Cool

    > 2.) Service is down for more than 48 hours. Read again. 48 hours

    > 3.) If they would had been working on the issue then they would had issued a message.

    It's not difficult: if you don't want to accept unexpected outages, your development workflow should use build services that are under your control. Or, if you use 3rd-party build services, you should expect that your workflow will be occasionally interrupted by unexpected outages and external dependencies. It's one or the other. More control and less convenience, or vice versa. If you choose convenience, but also expect things to go your way/move at your speed/etc., you're likely going to be as unhappy as you are now.

    Still doesn't satisfy reason behind blackout of servers for more than 48 hours. Few hours blackout is acceptable but this is really too much.

    And BTW this is not the first time that their servers are down

    And yeah definitely I will have to explore offline export to avoid outrage next time.

  • > > chill they got the message it'S the weekend


    > Completely rubbish

    > Spending weekend doesn't mean that you have right to strip someone's weekend. I lost 2 days of productivity.

    Not sure there's any need to jump to conclusions here. For all you know, there could be people trying to solve this since Friday.

    We all signed up for a software service, and services go down. It's part of every software service. If that's not factored into your productivity, you should look at your workflow, rather than lash out at others for inconveniencing you.

    1.)So you mean to say it is my responsibility to figure out in advance that servers are gonna be down. Cool

    2.) Service is down for more than 48 hours. Read again. 48 hours

    3.) If they would had been working on the issue then they would had issued a message.

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Cascade Games

Member since 31 Jul, 2019

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