Place the Player outside the Layout and do --->>> System: At Start of Layout -> Subevent: System -> Trigger once while True -> In the Subevent: Create Player at Layout (0 - 1 - 2...) Position : X/Y
Or you can do (if you want to use Checkpoints or Lives):
If Player is destroyed ->System -> Trigger once while True-> System set Variables to 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 ..... (for every Variable which is important for your Gamedesign (Lives - Points - etc.)) -> Create Player at Layout (0 - 1 - 2...) - Position X/Y
if you have a Ceckpoint then do another Subevent and say: If Variable "Checkpoint" is 1 - 2 - 3... then create Player at Position ......
You have to use "System -> Create Player to" not "Player -> Set Position to"
The reason because you have to do this steps is: If your Player is destroyed, then the Player is destroyed and can not placed anymore. Only a System "Create" command can bring back your Player on the Screen.