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  • DISCLAIMER, I love C3 in every bit possible, The above is not a criticism at all, no matter what people believe or like, I always endure C3 whenever I can, I love Scirra as a company, admired being a small startup and how they made a great game engine.

  • "in my view, by far the most effective thing is independent developers recommending us. " Ashley

    This statement holds true but for that, you have to make the marketing right.


    On other day, I was watching a video on YouTube with around 3 million views. In the video, the dude discussed how he had created the same game using many different game engines. When it came to Construct 3, the dude was impressed by how the no-code engine was easy to use and based on the browser. However, he concluded that C3 is very lightweight and is best suited for smaller projects and prototypes.

    I was initially shocked at his ignorance, if he just opened the example project from c3, he would have been shocked, at how capable the engine is, but then I realized it wasn't entirely his fault. There is something fundamentally wrong with how C3, that how it presents itself.

    It markets itself as a no-code engine, but in reality, it's not true. C3 does involve a fair amount of programming. If you don't have much programming knowledge and start using C3, you may face difficulty initially but if you continue, you'll end up not just learning how to use C3, but at the same time, gaining knowledge about programming, many different aspects of programming, which helps you tremendously in future if you pursue your career on that direction. (C3 does this brilliantly, and I have yet to see another engine that does it as effectively as C3 does with its event system).

    I have an interesting case study about TATA Motors (which owns Jaguar and Land Rover), which I believe will help illustrate my thoughts better.

    In 2009, TATA Motors introduced the world's most affordable car, called the TATA Nano, which was launched at ₹1 lakh, at that time. The news spread like wildfire, with media outlets worldwide covering it extensively. The buzz was overwhelmingly positive, and the stock price of the TATA Group went crazy. Everyone expected this to be a revolutionary product for the group. The early reviews were also somewhat positive.

    However, when the car hit the roads, Despite mostly positive reviews, the TATA NANO project was deemed a failure.

    You might wonder why. What went wrong?

    Well, It's because of the fundamental nature of human psychology. People often consider a car as a symbol of luxury and status. When you associate a luxury symbol with affordability, it doesn't sit right with people. They'd rather buy a used car at the same price than purchase a new car that everyone knows is the world's most affordable car. So when people see you driving this car, they assume since you don't have that much money that's why you bought this, the world's most affordable car.

    So, coming back to the Construct 3, a no-code, event sheet interface, and a browser-based powerful game engine are excellent traits of C3 but these traits can be a double-edged sword. If you take a closer look, you'll realize that Scirra is doing something similar with C3 what TATA did with the Nano.

    In general, people who know programming tend to brag about it. If you say that you made a game using C3, due to C3's marketing, people assume that you don't know much about programming and that's why you chose C3. I think this is why some dedicated developers tend to disregard C3. When they do end up using C3, they often don't openly share it with the public. I've even witnessed games created with C3 that display the Unity splash screen.

    Scirra a small start-up based in London made a fantastic game engine that can challenge a billion-dollar-backed game engine anytime, but did not get enough recognition which it truly deserves due to its poor marketing.

  • I just saw this, and I think that this kind of collaboration between developers and Scirra is awesome.

    They have been doing it for years with many AAA developers, but sadly it went unnoticed, if they made it on YouTube then surely it would help C3 to reach the limelight it deserves.

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  • The Unity fiasco has led many developers to consider switching to a different engine. However, when recommending C3, especially for those who are just starting out, it becomes challenging. The pricing was initially right, but the recent exponential increase in C3's pricing in India and there is no native payment method available for Indian users, which further increases the final price due to additional international gateway fees and such. So recommending it has become even more difficult.

    Yes, the pricing is still lower compared to regions like North America and the UK, but a few years ago, Indian pricing was half of what it is today.

    If the pricing had been as high as it is today back then, I may not have considered moving to it. This could have led me, as a game developer, to miss out on discovering one of the best game engines available.

    I'm not complaining about the price hike, it's natural and understandable, and it's necessary for growth. However, I genuinely want to see more people use C3. Due to this pricing constraint, many haven't even considered it. I believe this is an opportunity for C3 to promote itself further, perhaps by offering additional regional discounts.

    I wrote this in the context of India, but this statement is also very true for other developing countries.

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