It's hard to recommend C3 in India

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  • The Unity fiasco has led many developers to consider switching to a different engine. However, when recommending C3, especially for those who are just starting out, it becomes challenging. The pricing was initially right, but the recent exponential increase in C3's pricing in India and there is no native payment method available for Indian users, which further increases the final price due to additional international gateway fees and such. So recommending it has become even more difficult.

    Yes, the pricing is still lower compared to regions like North America and the UK, but a few years ago, Indian pricing was half of what it is today.

    If the pricing had been as high as it is today back then, I may not have considered moving to it. This could have led me, as a game developer, to miss out on discovering one of the best game engines available.

    I'm not complaining about the price hike, it's natural and understandable, and it's necessary for growth. However, I genuinely want to see more people use C3. Due to this pricing constraint, many haven't even considered it. I believe this is an opportunity for C3 to promote itself further, perhaps by offering additional regional discounts.

    I wrote this in the context of India, but this statement is also very true for other developing countries.

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