Hi everyone!
I am looking for a little help to figure something out relating to searching and filtering array entries/rows.
I am looking to be able to search an entire 'Main Data' array for a string and then populate another 'Filtered' array with any rows that contain that searched for string.
I've tried a few things now, with For Loops, etc but I'm not having any luck!
I feel like this might be a simple task but I'm over complicating it!
Here is a template workfile drive.google.com/file/d/10gsbi5FPm8WrbG1KX_bn49hkNxKNiKo7/view
I made with commented code to show you what I am trying to achieve.
Here are some visuals to better explain it too:
I would really appreciate it if anyone could offer some advice on this. It actually has me stumped!
I can't move forward with a project until I get this sorted too.
All the very best,