headfizz's Forum Posts

  • Hi Fengist,

    So r416 has broken my PHP for updating a CSV file through C3/AJAX/PHP on my server.

    Did the pre_flight() function you posted here solve your issue? Did you have to do anything to your server to get it to work?

    I would really appreciate any guidance here. I'm a bit lost when it comes to changing server settings, etc.

    I've had to revert back to r407.2 until I can get this sorted :(

    And for those wondering how this preflight check works, here's the PHP code I used. If this is called pretty early in your code, it'll keep the overhead lower. In wordpress I hooked it into the init.

    > public function pre_flight() {
    	// Allow requests from any origin
    	 header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
    	// Handle preflight (OPTIONS) request
    	if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'OPTIONS') {
    		// Specify the allowed headers
    		header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, GET, OPTIONS");
    		header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type, Authorization");
    		// Set the content type for all responses
    		header("Content-Type: text/plain");
    		// Send a 200 response for preflight checks
  • Here you go:


    Keep in mind that your records are actually stored on Y axis. And columns on X.

    "Array For Each XY" loop goes through X axis first, that's why I suggest using system loops instead.

    Aww you legend! Thanks so much. Really clever way of doing it - Copying the database and then removing the rows that don't match. Great stuff.

    Can't tell you how much I appreciate it. Would love to repay the favour! If there's anywhere you have a "buy me a coffee" fund or a patreon or something, let me know! :)

    Thanks so much again.


  • Hi everyone!

    I am looking for a little help to figure something out relating to searching and filtering array entries/rows.

    I am looking to be able to search an entire 'Main Data' array for a string and then populate another 'Filtered' array with any rows that contain that searched for string.

    I've tried a few things now, with For Loops, etc but I'm not having any luck!

    I feel like this might be a simple task but I'm over complicating it!

    Here is a template workfile drive.google.com/file/d/10gsbi5FPm8WrbG1KX_bn49hkNxKNiKo7/view

    I made with commented code to show you what I am trying to achieve.

    Here are some visuals to better explain it too:



    I would really appreciate it if anyone could offer some advice on this. It actually has me stumped!

    I can't move forward with a project until I get this sorted too.

    All the very best,


  • Thanks so much R0J0hound! Really appreciate the awesome reply. This is spot on, exactly the sort of thing i was looking for. I'm going to be building most of the functionality around it with GUI so the 3d stuff only needs to be basic enough.

    Thanks again R0J0hound - total hero!!

  • Hey folks!

    I am looking to be able to orbit a 3D camera around an object/s (or focus point), using the mouse. Ideally with a smooth camera motion.

    I've had a good look and play around but I haven't been able to crack it!

    I'm wondering if anyone would know how to go about this?

    https://carvisualizer.plus360degrees.com/threejs/ is a good example of the kind of camera movement I need.

    Is this possible in c3?

    Thanks a million for any help!

    All the best,



  • I got it working :)

    It seems to be minify script o.0 I've always had that on but it seems to be stopping the game from loading now. So I turned it off and it's fine now.

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  • That's good to know. I have no idea what events are causing it though.

    I'm trying everything you said now (just exporting now!).

    I'm using a loader layout (I've successfully used this one in the past) so maybe I'll just try the default c3 one next to see if that works.

    Thanks again, I really do appreciate it :)

  • Thanks for your reply.

    I'm using r157, latest stable, with desktop version 'June 13th 2019: updated to Chrome 75 (NW.js 0.39.0)'.

    I'm going to try and export from the browser version of C3 now.

    I'm hesitant to post on github as I can't publicly post a .c3p (I'm under an NDA).

    Thanks for your guide, I'll go through it if it doesn't work from the browser version.

  • Thanks man. I'll post there as well. I have a deadline for today and I'm pulling my hair out right now :(

  • In firefox it just says : TypeError: e.g_Oh is undefined

  • Hello.

    When I preview the game it works fine but when I export and then upload to my server it just shows a black screen and says the following in the chrome dev console:

    Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'exports' of undefined at g_aQ.g_Gh.g_aGb.Instance.g__j (c3runtime.js:2) at async Promise.all (/arone/index 4) at async g_aQ.g_ajV.g_ae_ (c3runtime.js:2) at async o.g_aOh (main.js:1) at async o.g__j (main.js:1) g__j @ c3runtime.js:2 async function (async) g__j @ main.js:1 o @ main.js:1 (anonymous) @ main.js:1

    Would really appreciate some help here. I'm not using any plugins or addons.

    Edit: I'm using latest version of C3 (latest desktop) with c3 runtime (no worker)

    I'm getting this prnt.sc/kby81y UI glitch happen when I open Settings while I have the xml editor in use. After this I can't click on anything and had to reopen.

    It also keeps saying I need to update to r111 when I open it, even though I have and it says it's on r111.

  • Bump!!

    Got some great replies but wanted to give it another day


  • Hey guys,

    As I said, I am looking for someone with good experience of C3 and C2. This project is already under development with C3 so you would need to be ready to go with this. A portfolio of C2 games would be fine but I do need to see some examples of finished games.

    This is for a client project I am currently working on. This is for a well known brand so would be a good boost for your portfolio and if we worked well together, there would be more good work down the line.


    I would need you to work on key features and to help crunch bugs near the end. The game is a beat em up in the style of streets of rage, etc but with slight metroidvania elements. I would need you to work on programming additional enemy types, some of the boss battles and building levels. I already have the core of the game finished, including the combat system and enemy AI. You would need to use this and expand on it to introduce new enemy behaviors. Should be around 2 months of work but not sure yet.

    I have a set budget for this and would be paid out as you complete milestones.

    Please go to www.headfizz.com and use the contact form there to let me know your interest, please include a link to your portfolio or some games you have made with C2/3. Or just email me on admin -AT- headfizz.com


  • Hello,

    I am looking to hire someone for a project I have just secured. I will post about this in the job offers section shortly but want to see if this is even possible. Anyway it would be paid work for someone who has finished a few projects with c2/c3 event sheets.

    I went ahead and started my current project with C3, as it feels like it is in a decent place and I like how it now handles text over C2.

    However, I am not sure if it is possible to collaborate online? If so, how would I go about this? Is it even possible to use an SVN/subversion controls with C3? I'm currently using the desktop version, so maybe I can use the folder structure for this? Maybe it would be a good idea to get them to work on a different source file and then copy over the things they have coded? If I just got them to work on one feature at a time?

    Any advise would be super appreciated!

    Edit: I probably should have put this in "How Do I...?" Sorry!