Afraid I have spotted another one - here is the link : https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aup_NDH7UAIvgrZAt6XHUt-KeMcHqA
Pressing LMB spawns a new object based on the position and angle of the previous one. Every few sprites you should get one that seems to be fixed in position (although the debug panel shows considerable downward velocity).
This does not occur if A) the angle is always zero or B) the object has Box2D+ disabled initially.
So.... Lots of things to keep you busy.
Hi. Thanks for this bug report - it's a good one, but not really a bug and more of a limitation...
It is a limitation of the Box2D library I used and I am not sure that it will be a simple problem to work-around within the plugin - it's something you'll have to be aware of when using it in c2. The problem occurs when you set the object angle after the body is created and before the box2d+ library has had a chance to run the box2d world. Thus the object's body hasn't interacted with the world when you change its angle, and that causes the problem - and that is why it works ok if the behavior is disabled before the angle is set.
To avoid this issue, if you're going to create objects and change their angles upon spawn, it's best to set the behavior disabled and only enable it after the object has been rotated.