Colludium im going to disturb you again (sorry)
its possible with your plugin to disable collisions with a object for only one instance?
(see this: )
while its possible to do it with native box2d, its impossible to do it with the C2 physics behavior
example: im using the physics behavior to make enemies behave/move... when i collide with one enemy, i want that instance of enemy that i collided to disable collisions with pretty much everything else, while other enemies still work just fine
if is possible to do it, i will most certain buy your plugin right now
Hi there - it's no bother! Yes, there are a couple of ways you can disable collisions with this behaviour (the standard plugin filters for object type, not object instance - this behaviour can do both).
1. If you want to filter per object type then you can set the collision filters - binary bit flags.
2. If you want to disable collision against one instance of an object type... There is a pre-solve condition that is true when Box2D is about to manage a collision. As an action you can then set for the behaviour to ignore that collision. It works per-tick, so you'd have to filter it for as long as you wanted this.
I'm using my phone but I hope this is enough info for you. ??