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  • I presume you want to upgrade to latest release - beta.

    You need to join the beta on steam.

    Steam > Settings > Beta Participation

    It will probably want to close and restart as it will want to install steam beta.

    Now that steam beta has installed. Go to your software > construct > Properties > betas. Select beta- construct beta updates.

    It will then download updates.

  • worked for me too :) Thank you

  • Happy Birthday Ashley (for yesterday) Time difference. Hope you had a great one.

  • Alisa,

    Baby account - I presume you are talking those single digit $ accounts per month.

    My experience with many hosting companies offering these entry level accounts is you have to upgrade very quickly the minute you see any real traffic.

    I recommend bluehost for entry level hosting accounts.

    I haven't used hostgator as I have heard mixed reactions about them.

    I will say stay away from godaddy or any other hosting that uses godaddy servers, resources any any way or form.

    I will also say stay away from vps.net when you start going bigger. They are USELESS!


    Never used yahoo - lol - But, really, they won't serve those files?

    Hosting is allowing you to put any file on your website (as long as it is legal)

  • Table turns the other way too - Why can't steam versions have software licenses?

  • Lol, sounds like the hammer story. (Original is ship engine)

    A business owner is horrified to discover one morning that her company?s server is broken. Won?t boot up, won?t turn on. She calls a computer repair expert to come out and see what he can do.

    The expert shows up, looks at the machine carefully, and even gives it a careful listen. He runs his fingers lightly on the side of the computer, and then taps it with a small hammer. The computer starts right up, the business owner is happy, and the expert goes away.

    Two days later, the expert?s bill shows up. ?Computer repair, $500,? it says.

    The business owner calls up the expert, angry. ?$500?! All you did was tap the computer, and you charged me $500?! I need to see an itemized version of your bill, to see why you thought that was worth $500.?

    Two days later, the new bill arrives in the mail. ?Tapping the computer with a hammer, $1. Knowing where to tap it, $499.?

  • Browser object --> close

  • Why aren't they banned yet? Why aren't their creators in jail......Huh? Huh?

    It's Russian roulette... and if you're game gets any kind of real success, trust me, the creators will be all over it. Fan based stuff is usually free marketing for the real deal game. But when it starts to be anything other that a benefit for the original, then SHUTDOWN!

    Create your own brand, don't be a copycat wanna be. It pays better to be the company who created "Angry Birds" (trust me they made a lot), and the countless copycats are still starving wanna be's.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Issues on steam. My response (Hijacking thread - lol)

    *Can't open C2 files from browser.

    *Can't have more than one instance running (which is fine) if I could open files via browser and have them (a) start instance of C2 and/or (b) load/appear in project window.

    *File associations are broken.

    C2 files aren't assigned to C2 program, you also can't fix this because the C2.exe file installs the free version of C2 etc etc etc.

    C2 should never have been put on Steam. Or steam should never have moved to software. Either way, I regret having purchased via steam. Would be great if we could get license file so we can run the software like the software is meant to be run. Or at least the option to do that.

    My regret is - We have paid money for an inferior software experience.

    Sidenote: C2 being unstable - Yes, it is, but in fairness, I did a complete overhaul on my registry files/permisions and the crashes have all but stopped. I installed Visual Studio and it hinted that some/most of my registry files/permissions were corrupted. True enough, some were.

    Anyways, as of a few days ago, haven't had a crash, seize (touch wood) thought you might like to know.

    As, always, I love C2, just not so happy with Steam/C2 and the instability. But, everything else is pure JOY!

  • EncryptedCow,

    Nice <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> I think Basilboy will be happy with that.

  • The others who promised examples are better examples than what I have - trust me, but mine is different cause it highlights the dictionary functionality - this isn't better by any means, just easier to understand.

    Here is A very very simple inventory using dictionary as you don't seem to be able to wrap head around array.


    This is very simple, and needs lots of work if you go this route, but at least you can see visually via text and you can play around with it.

    It uses dictionary, not array for simplicity.

    I used touch object as that is recommended if you want to put game online. Most devices haven't got a mouse.

    Just click with your mouse on Sword, Shield, Axe and see it added to slot(s). Click Slot(s) to remove Inventory Items.

  • Please Ashley don't split it into 2 - I agree completely in people don't like complicated. They want 1 click and play. Size doesn't matter if the experience is BETTER, than their expectation.

    I download a couple gigs in updates only on games I already own, every couple months.

    But these are games that are worth it to me, a simple tetris (who doesn't love tetris) should be played online - But, put a spin on it, give it an edge and no one will even blink at the 60mb.

    <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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