DUTOIT's Recent Forum Activity

  • wizaerd

    Lol, I'm going to collect/pick at the communities collective brain very soon. I'm hitting a wall with advanced array handling/sorting etc (can do it perfectly via php, but can't get my head around it in C2 - lol)

    Driving me nuts, but will call in favors when I need em <img src="smileys/smiley15.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Everyday is a paid day off, if you doing what you love, the bonus is when someone wants to pay you for having fun :)

    Okay, its not always fun, but its close enough when you get to snuggle up to hobby game in development.

    Edit: added the advanced to the array line.

  • Registry Files? Mine permissions were messed and had plenty issues with C2 in general. Strange that it is open - I had that exact issue with Visual Studio and was registry files there too.

    Since then, reset registry files permissions etc and so far all good

  • SysDiman

    Sorry DUTOIT thanks for helping

    No Problem, and you are most welcome. Might help for future to realize that we help each other out because we want to, not because we have to.

    We all have lives, and bills to pay, so any help we get ourselves, or give to others is a gift.

    I see SysDiman gave you an awesome example and Someone promised you a tutorial.

    I don't know what you want to make, but you've got a long way to go, enjoy the ride, games take a couple months at least to make :)

    Look forward to the finnished product, and at that time, you will be a C2 pro <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • vee41

    I can't bookmark your post (wish I could), so just commenting so I can search it later.

    Brilliant approach to debugging. Learning so much from this project.


    Browser - log - messages (edit) see vee41 below

    Hit F12 in chrome ;)

  • <img src="https://www.dropbox.com/s/ebvfz325ofzn4nx/textbox%20limit.JPG" border="0" />

    I think this is what you are after ?

    Edit:Image instert doesn't work.

    Here is link


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  • I think if you read this thread, you'll understand the frustration


    The poster in the above mentioned post has edited his post(s) so much, that the thread itself isn't what it used to be.

    Anyways, he got what he wanted in the end. I just hope he thanks SysDiman for the absolutely fantastic demo he did.


    Just added which post I was talking about, in case of confusion.

  • wizaerd

    Nice write up, and I agree with you - we all have strong areas, and weak areas. I have a very long list of short comings, but that is why we support each other.

    I also believe we are all in agreement that the type of individual we are talking about is the guy who hasn't even bothered to read 1 page of the manual. For example you have read over 50 pages (I can see by your profile), that is awesome.

    I tried to help a guy the other day, and he just kept demanding that I give him a capx of what he was after. I wrote a simple capx for him, but he demanded more and more and more.

    What he wanted was a number of hours work.

    Checking his profile he had read only 10 pages of the manual.

    Anyways, that's the guy I imagine we are talking about here

    <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • But that's a feeling you would never feel, if not learning, but just using premade solutions from others without understanding them.

    Exactly <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Its great to start of with some basic examples, but growth comes when you grow those basics into fully functional, multidimensional, projects.

    No project is alike, though they are similiar in many areas -

    It is the 'unique' that separates them. Which is what beginners don't understand, they seek it do what y does, without making their baby a y+Z. They forget about the [Z]AP! I'm special because... principle.

    Worst still, they want you to make it for them - lol.

  • Any software comes with a learning curve. C2 learning curve is a gradual easy slop, unlike some of the steep slopes I've climbed in the past.

    Perfection is the culprit here. Nobody wants to make mistakes and therefor are afraid to trail and error there way through an issue.

    They also don't understand that a game (simple as it appears to be) has multiple dimensions to it, lots of components that need to be created/built.

    But boy is it fun to get something right, then make it better, more efficient, and streamlined. Building something that works is PURE JOY!

    Excal: I am learning via your learning :) You made your learning a community project - very cool. Tons of inputs from various minds. A peek over my should type deal.

  • QUOTING MYSELF: I am in the process of gathering links for you with relative info....

    That means more than 2 links - I just hadn't posted them yet, but I've had it - sorry, but I draw a line. I will also stop with my nonsense posts and won't respond more.

  • Do I get anything close to what I want: (

    Some tutorial?

    Wow, that is rude! And I am done helping you. Not even a thank you. Just want want want.

    I'm trying to help you - I took time out of my day and even did a small demo of what you wanted. I am in the process of gathering links for you with relative info etc etc.

    Remember, the game isn't going to make itself, and people are very helpful here if you treat them with a little respect.

    Anyways, I'm done with this. Don't like conflict, and I don't like rude, demanding people.

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