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  • System > Compare Two Values >

    You can put what to compare in the values.

    I use this all the time:

    Variable 1

    select >

    Variable 2

    Returns true/false

  • Setup = the placement of the squares that tokens can move. They are randomized on each new game. Different board setup.

    I thought if I could get a setup close enough to yours I might witness the diagonal. But I didn't see any diagonal movement.

    Your eyes are better than mine - lol, obviously you've looked at it longer and are noticing the smaller details.

    Okay, I see what you mean about diagonal:

    Yes, pathfind does go diagonal when searching optimal path.

    I tried to see the 3rd program skipping, I couldn't see it skip 2 or so squares. I didn't see it teleport to the program? how to make it do that. Currently they just move till they are opposite my programs. Then I move into them and they disappear.

    So after a few runs I agree that diagonal is in fact on, when it clearly is set to disabled.

    Might be a bug? I don't have any real experience with pathfinding.

  • Excal,

    Same as plinkie, no diagonal movements. Could be specific setup, tried a few times, didn't get same/similar as what you had.

  • cesarzevil,

    How has the movement of spider assignment come along?

    And how does your healthbar look?

    Post capx and lets see if we can join the two together.

  • That capx isn't going to help you with that. You are going to have to rewrite portions of it - change various things.

    Best way is to start at the beginning. It is time you start doing something. The only way you are going to figure it out is to build something simple. Lets start with movement.

    Homework Assignment 1:

    Get you spider to move towards a click.

    Once you have that...

    Homework Assignment 2:

    Get spider to move towards your mouse click, then change direction to new click.

    Once you've done that...

    Lets focus a little on spider web.

    You aren't going to add it in - not yet.

    Start new project. Start at a very basic level. Why don't you build a health bar. It is the exact same principle and very easy to do, it will get you writing your game and you can expand on that once your confidence gets better.

    So health being 100 points.

    We will later exchange the 100 points to the distance traveled type deal.

    But start small. 100 points = 100 pixels. Try 400 pixels etc etc.

    Play with it, get to know it.

    I am purposely not going to write this out for you. This is basic stuff, and there is loads of documentation available. It's time to get you hands dirty.

  • I'm using it for card, boardgames, databases intensive apps right now lol

    Steam thing sounds cool.

    Anyways this is what it returns for me


    I hope that is what you are after. You could use regex and not the tokenat, but I am still figuring that out myself.

    Sorry about saving in beta, I gave up with everyone else working in the beta and changed my steam to beta so I could get hold of C2 beta, anyways the debugger is fantastic. Worth the the upgrade.

    No problem, hope it works out for you :)

  • I did not understand, can someone give me a sample?

    Someone did in your other post on this issue.

    What is wrong with this? This is absolutely amazing example and does exactly what you asking.


    If you really want someone else to make a game for you, you should post in the help wanted section instead and offer money for the task.

    I'm quoting the moderator who told you this in your other post.

    You have done nothing to contribute to your own game. Why don't you post a capx of what you have, where you are stuck and we can help you. But you want others to provide the capx and then you want them to change it.

    Please help us help you. The above example is a great example. You wanted this in other post.

    you can send another web to another wall to make it faster so as CapX need your web disappears to return to launch another

    What have you tried? Did you notice the hook and the pixels are set to 8, that means it travels at 8 pixels (speed) if you make it 15 pixels that makes the hook travel faster.

    You are going to have to get your hands dirty and actually make some mistakes, and spend hours and hours getting it wrong before you get it right. And you are going to have to get it right, because nobody is going to get it perfect the way you want it.

    Let's see your capx, tell us what you've tried, etc etc etc

  • I made a post on my bug topic:

    Here it is

    Okay. Restarted the pc and now it works perfectly.

    Ashley, what could cause C2 to become unstable if pc is left on for extended periods of time. C2 needs to be shut down often to avoid crashes, but pc restarts to flush out (what?) that could cause stability issues.

    Seriously, a fresh restarted/booted pc and ZERO issues with grid. I didn't change a thing in project files.

  • Okay. Restarted the pc and it works perfectly.

    Ashley, what could cause C2 to become unstable if pc is left on for extended periods of time. C2 needs to be shut down often to avoid crashes, but pc restarts to flush out (what?) that could cause stability issues.

    Seriously, a fresh restarted/booted pc and ZERO issues with grid. I didn't change a think in project files.

  • This is what I had in mind. I am not that advanced with regex, but can use the replace - this should give you the url

    RegexReplace(tokenat(Text.Text,2,"="), "/d", "g", "IDList")

    Edit: it works


    Edit2: Got your PM - You are most welcome. I personally prefer tokenat, but have started to use regex as it is available in C2 and is very powerful, but it is very complicated - well, at this point it is too me, with a bit of time things always get easier - ha ha

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  • Manual: Scroll down to text - lots of options


    I would learn and Use Regex - its a little confusing here is link to topic on regex



    Regex Cheat Sheet - adding it here for my own benefit too :)


    Forum seriously needs bookmark feature lol

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