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  • Umm, don't know, I would treat it like an extra long health bar. Look at health bar tutorials to get going on that.

    There are lots and lots evolved with this movement, unfortunately most is going to be trial and error - lol.

    You should also look up a plugin called moveto it has nice effects and extra options.

    Good luck


    cesarzevil, you did write

    'Someone help me make this game' and you provided a link to it."

    But possibly bad English is the cause here?

    And I know as super helpful and very knowledgeable and you were rude etc etc when he was trying to help.

    Again, probably english at fault. Anyways, I don't like conflict.

  • I think English is problem here.


    Here is a very simple move too.


  • A lot of folks using C2 try to clone games, he just saying he aint gonna help doing that, but trust me, he knows his stuff - especially the little things.

    You movement.

    I tried something similar in a game long ago.

    you got to slow it down.

    try "move forward" 2 pixels for example using every tick.

    I stored location of mouse click in global and had object move slowly towards that location.

    Was awhile ago so I am not much help. But there are a few tutorials on this - and check the manual covering the mouse. You could use touch too, If I recall I used touch. (touch.x, touch.y)

    Good Luck.

  • Sidenote: love this game - addictive, entertaining, and challenging enough to keep you going (usually get on the 3-5th try)

  • He gave you the answer perfectly and you swear at him. He is also the one guy here who has loads of knowledge about C2 and you blow up and go all rude on him.

    He said nothing offensive other than he won't give you notes how to clone a game, BUT, if you want help with something specific please ask him.

    Answer: SetAngleToward(mouse.X, mouse.Y)

  • lol, okay.

  • press F2, goes to bookmark 1, press F2 again, goes to next bookmark etc etc etc.

    Wanna go backwards. Press SHIFT + F2

    It cycles up and down pretty nicely :)

    Wanna go to first bookmark from bottom sheet

    Ctrl + Home Go to top of sheet and Hit F2

    Ctrl + End Go to bottom of sheet and Hit SHIFT + F2

  • Side thought: Have you deleted your steam cache?

    Close steam!

    Program files > Steam > appcache (delete the whole folder)

    Shut Down PC!

    Start steam, start C2

    Let me know?

    Steam cache gets messed up too from time to time ;)

  • DFOX, it shouldn't do that.

    C2 Crashes - I've had my fair share of them. Crash issues with C2: Check your drivers (graphics etc are up to date) C2 is real sensitive to this. Also, in my own plight with crashes, mine in some degree boiled down to corrupted registry files. I wrote a script to fix it, but this does the same thing plus more Tweaking.com - Windows Repair (All in One) does a pretty decent job. I've used the software before.

    But it might be best to put all the details you can about your system, and exactly what you are doing / have done (Go into loads of detail) and get Ashley attention to view what might be the issue.

    Construct2 and steam DON'T play well - so your frustration isn't in isolation :)

  • Wow, that is shocking. I would have guessed they are restricting bandwith with .flv files, sneeky tatic to reduce there customers bandwith. BUT, I see they support all the big boys from swf through all the mpg so that isn't a valid guess. Why on earth would they stop .flv that doesn't make any sense.

    That really is low - even for entry level hosting.

    Entry level: I still have an account with bluehost, I run my parents little sailing blog from there and it just plods on, no problems (well nothing big anyways).

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  • Agreed with Darklinki, Also, All files imported are found in project files. Nice if you import your arrays, dictionary via json file, makes editing them So much easier

  • Wow, thank you for sharing snap to grid, show grid never new it existed.

    Saved me tons of time, pity I didn't know about this before, would have saved me even more time.

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