lazybed's Recent Forum Activity

  • parside Thank you! just got it working with my game on a cocoonjs build and my custom font. was using webview before and it was a no go. Thanks for the walk through!

  • I finally got my first game up and ready. I threw it up on kongregate here: Tank Dodger on Kongregate It would be awesome if anyone wants to play it and rate and give me some feedback too, thank you! It's trending on the frontpage of Kongregate as a new game too!

  • Thank you, was able to get the number and enter. Thank you for the tutorial as well. It was a help in getting the app passed.

  • sosensible I got my game app approved yesterday and want to enter the contest but cannot find the tizen store content id for my app that they ask for on the contest application. were you able to locate yours to enter the contest?

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  • Tobye Ashley Just got the r146 update and now am wondering how to properly use the orientation lock with the browser object for a tizen game. Do I have to use it on the start of every layout? On start of layout -> Browser: Lock Orientation Landscape ? or would it work for the whole game to just use it on my first layout?

  • Hello Everybody, My name is Hiel and I am building my first game ever!

  • Nofish thank you for all your input. Hope the bug gets fixed soon so you can release your game. Just got an email update from Ludei/ CocoonJS on them getting funding and they just released the new update. Sounds like some good new features. Hopefully it's the stuff you were waiting for. Making progress on mine. Lots still to do and figure out.

  • spongehammer thank you sir! That is it! I didnt know about setting instance variable id's . Awesome to know, thank you again for the help. I knew there was something I was missing.

  • Nofish Thank you. Your game looks fun, is it available to play online or in the app store yet? I see what you mean by the screen shots how the size works out on different iphones and ipad. How large did you have to make your character sprites/tiles, 64x64?

  • I am stuck on this. I have a square level and on the left side of the map I have spawn points for a enemy_tank. The enemy_tank has a bullet behavior and is spawned every 2 seconds from one of the random spawn points and moves toward the players position when spawned. So sometimes the enemy_tank instances cross paths. After an enemy_tank spawns I have it spawning a bullet_tank from its turret image point. I want the bullet to destroy if it hits another instance of the enemy_tank. My problem is if I set an event for the bullet_tank->destroy on collusion with object->enemy_tank, then it is also just destroys the bullet_tank the second it is spawned because it is firing from the enemy_tank. Is there a way to set up an event to destroy the bullet only when it hits other instances of the enemy_tank?

    Here is the capx example, you'll have to copy and paste as i am too new to make links.

  • Nofish Thank you for the answer. Have you been able to test that on any smaller screen sizes to see if there is any negative effects such as the iphone 3gs 320x480 or iphone 4/4s 640x960 size? I am wondering if the smaller screen sizes would cutoff a lot of the screen if you start at the larger size layout of the iphone 5 or if it properly adjusts. Just trying to figure out best practice for starting out if its better to use iphone 5 size or use the smallest size iphone 3gs and letting construct scale it up for everything else like Sheepy had done.

  • Sheepy Thank you for the incite you've had so far. I just reread this article and it's making more sense now that I heard your answer. Not sure if you've seen it or not. here is the link. The second page goes over anchoring objects and the like

    I guess there isn't a simple answer to it. Starting at the smallest screen size of the 3gs makes sense with the retina display option since it does resize art for bigger screens. And then just figuring out what parts to anchor and having a big enough background to cover the stretching of ipad to 4:3 ratio or the stretch on the iphone 5.

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Member since 18 Jun, 2013

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