lazybed's Recent Forum Activity

  • 0plus1 Sheepy I am developing my first iOS game. I've been doing a lot of reading but wanted to get opinions from people who have actually done it. Initially I am just aiming to have it work well with the iphone and I was wondering what you both did for setting up margins and layout size for your apps. Did you start the margin with the iphone 5 screen size of 640�1136 or use the smaller size of the iphone 4s at 640x960? I have read the tutorials for developing for multiple screen sizes but was just wondering if you had any pointers that you found about HUD placement and what to expect between the multiple screen sizes and if you ran into any problems. Also I've read that you have to provide retina and unretina size art when developing games. Is that true in your experience or does construct take care of resizing artwork depending on the iphone/ipad using the app. Thank you for any incite!

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  • Hello, just wanted to say that the clone is awesome. I am brand new to construct 2 and game making in general. I was wondering if you do have a tutorial about building this level or if you do have the capx file to study even if its without the graphics. I am really interested in learning how to make things climbable. and how the enemy squish and doing things like the turtle shells that are hit-able. Thank you for any help

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Member since 18 Jun, 2013

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