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  • Well either I'm not understanding your problem very well or I'm simply an idiot hehe XD

    Would you kindly explain exctly what you want to do? I always tought it would be something like what my example showed.

  • Sorry for double post, but the main reason the function is calling out numbers is to add in to the word "Animation" so that it calls the corresponding animation in the sprite, which is called Animation2 and Animation3, but name them as you wish, in this case you can have GroundAttack2 or GroundAttack3 as the animations names in the sprite.

  • This is quite easy to achieve, but tricky to get there once you're new.

    What you need is a Sub Event under the events where you press the A, S, D and the sub event to test if the Space bar is held down.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • And it actually happens the other way around.

    I recently made a post to help a person that wanted help with his game, and I did, I had no idea about this rule until I wanted to edit the reply because I forgot to add a few things in the end, but I couldn't update the changed because "I could not post links with less than 500 Reputation".

    This happened just a few minutes ago, and tought I should post about this here.

    Thank you for your time.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Is this what you're looking for?

    Destroy to move on!

    Basicly I did the following:

    Sprites created:

    Arena (an invisible sprite covering the entire game screen)

    BadGuy (the enemy you must destroy on collision. It also has multiple frames to change their color with different levels)

    GoodGuy (you! control with arrow keys)

    Global Variables:

    LVL=0 (this variable will tell which level you are in and will greatly help in the creation of the BadGuy in the field)


    Layer 1

    Layer 0

    And a text box to show the value of the variable LVL.

    So basicly what I did here was to place the Arena sprite on Layer 1 and the Good and Bad guys on Layer 0, this way I could create the condition "If Arena is NOT overlapsing BadGuy" since Arena will always stay on top even when new BadGuys come into play.

    When the condition is true, the variable LVL will gain +1 to it's current value, and it will also set a text box with the number that LVL is holding.

    The condition, when true, will also loop a number of times equal to the variable LVL, to create a BadGuy in a random position of the game screen and to change it's animation to a different frame, which holds a different color.

    The reason when changing frames it's LVL-1 is because the frames have a frame numbered 0, so if you're on lvl 1 and the BadGuy has the first frame (which is 0) colored red, then it will be red.

    Hope this helped!

  • Wow, this is just amazing, I was just wondering how I could make an action bar, and this might be the solution! I'm sure it works the same, but later on I will need to figure out a way to make it so that ability X on slot 1 will cause ability X to be casted on click after having pressed number 1 or the slot itself.

    Thank you very much as this was a very much needed step for me to advance with my big project!

  • Well I know they're working on the forums and always updating the site. Hopefully we'll be able to link our steam account to our Scirra account sometime in the future.

    I contacted Scirra support, and they happily helped me out by just letting them look at my Steam page to confirm I had my Construct 2 there!

    They are really helpfull and in an instant I got my awesome badge on my profile! <3

  • Hi , i just wanna know ......

    am i allowed to display the games i made with construct 2 free version on my non profit website ?

    <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I'm not sure if that question is good here, but I'd say you can, because the game you made is technicaly yours and you can do them for non-profit afterall.

  • A big downside to purchasing through Steam is that Steam is still caught up in being a Game provider, and there are mechanics to Steam that suck for normal Applications. Steam pauses downloads when you open a game through Steam, and also only lets you open a single game at a time. This is generally OK, though why stop downloading a game if the game that is running doesn't even use the internet?

    But for APPLICATIONS, these restrictions are literally stupid. I know that I have been able to open Construct and have a game running as well, but not always. I often am forced to close down something before opening up something else, be it Construct that is already open, or in the case of trying to open Construct. And since Steam is getting into selling all sorts of Game development apps, art apps, productivity apps, etc., this has become a fatal flaw in buying apps through Steam.

    Honestly that doesn't bother me much, it's usually a bad thing to have more than a program running, it would overload my computer and I want the best performance for a game afterall.

    One thing that does bother me in Steam is that when it's in offline mode, the program randomly stops working, claiming there is no account info and that can't go to offline mode, but if I get to a place with internet, it suddently works without having to login or anything.

  • Hello, my name is Bruno, I currently live in Portugal and I am 22 years old, about to make 23 this October.

    Ever since I was young I was fascinated with video games, Super Mario being my childhood idol and Sephiroth from Final Fantasy 7 my favourite character of all time.

    Gaming is currently my main hobby at the moment, it moves me away from reality and into a world I'd like to live into, just like a good roleplay does, and yes I do roleplay but not alot since I can't find good people to do that in the sites I roleplay. The main reason gaming is my hobby and an addiction is because of past events, both happy and dreadfull, but the latter had most of the impact. I also draw, but I am loosing my touch, I used to draw during school in English classes and still got excelent grades, but now with work and my deep desire to feed my gaming addiction I have been finding little time to draw, but I'm fixing that as I grow older.

    A few years back I also had that feeling that I should make a game that I would love to see happen. I love strategy games like Starcraft 2 and classical platformers like Super Mario, but something was missing in me. So I tryed and tryed everything I could, but ended up giving up, maybe I just didn't had the patience or I couldn't quite grasp the knowladge in such an early age. This January I found about Construct 2, and boy was this a good treasure to find!

    I had a great experience using the free edition, and the idea for the perfect game popped up recently, but being with a free edition was no good for me since it would be a very big project overall, which is why I bought the program a few days back.

    The experience of being able to develop a game means alot to me, I can bring my idea to life thanks to the helpfull community that Scirra has, which is a reason to making an account here, to be able to thank them for helping me bring my project close to completion (Even though it's still going to be a looooooong way).

    Tho recently I've been traveling with work so I couldn't work on my project, it's still a very basic platformer with cubes all around, but my girlfriend offered her help with the art, she is great at drawing and she would love to practise pixelated art, which is the main art theme for my project.

    As life goes, my job is close to an end due to crisis, I have the possibility to stick to it from a year to 3 more if I am lucky, though if not I might simply move out of country to find better oportunities, since Portugal is being ruined every day.

    I hope everyone has a great experience just like I'm feeling with this wonderfull and easy to use program, and thank you for reading my introduction!

  • I would like to know this as well, I bought Construct 2 recently and while I was browsing through helpfull pages I noticed that a badge would be given.

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Member since 12 Jun, 2013

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