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  • Ok, to make things clear, I know how to make a cube fire circles of agonizing doom in a direction as well as to have the cube fire a lazor if I press the spacebar

    However what I'm doing at the moment is that the cube will not be alone, this lil cube will be accompanied by two other cubes of different colors which will all have different types of bullets and skills.

    The game, being one of the top-down view games where you control a ship in a straight direction while shooting down enemys and dodging their shots, will allow you to pick who is the leader (the one being controled by you) and who will be assisting next to the leader.

    By simply pulling the variable "Player" on the cube I can set the frame of the bullet, so red cube shoots a yellow ball, blue cube shoots a bigger purple ball, etc, all at their rates of fire as well since every stats of the bullet will be pulled out from variables in the cube.

    I want to know if what I'm doing is the correct thing, if changing the frame of the bullet to correspond the player type is ok or if i need to make bullets for everyone and do events to determine if the specific player is in a specific role. I've been doing it by myself so far but this is one thing I'm curious to see if I can do it in an easier way or not, because I do plan to implement temporary upgrades to make them shoot more bullets as you traditionally would in one of those ship games whenever you collected a power up.

    Here is the .capx file for those interested in seeing how it is so far, it's only my test file as everything else is being tuned up in my main file. (For instance, the cubes have to be angled in order to shoot up while in my main file I simply set the bullets angle the moment they fire it, I also have a character selection layout so I don't have to be changing variables all the time) ... Tests.capx

    Thank you in advance<3

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  • Hello, I'd like some help with a problem here I am having.

    I am making an attempt in creating a menu with a skill book where you can drag the skills into the skill bar. The bar will save the frame that the icon has into a global variable. The play button will bring you to the game, where you can control your character with the WASD keys, and has a skill bar on the lower part where the icons will have their frames updated. The save button is simply there to test a loading feature I'm going to implement as well so ignore that, but for the curious people, everytime the game runs for now for testing) it loads the saved information.

    And no, the music in there is not mine, I just placed it there to give a little bit more of life while testing, I got them from MGQ.

    Now the problem started when I managed to make everything work. The variables would save just fine, but changing layout would still let the slots of the skill bar filled up with the first frame of the icon, while in reality it should remove them. I tryed to fiddle around, even giving a blank frame to the icon to see if it could be solved without destroying the icon, but with no avail, it just made things worse, now they won't load properly and I went tilt trying to figure out what is wrong, but after a few minutes I went back to the point where the icons would not dissapear (But don't have anything to make them dissapear at the moment). Here is the .capx to demonstrate what I have done (To test start with the Spell Select layout).

    Skill Menu and Skill Bar

    I heavily apologize if there are alot of things in there that might get you confused, please focus solely on the layer "Spell Select", it's corresponding event sheet and the Player event sheet where the "Start on Layout" event is, that will set up the skill bar.

    And yes, that is amazing artwork that is being used temporarily.

    I belive the main problem is because the global variables are returning a "NaN" value whenever they're supposed to be -1, that should be the reason most of the events won't read the variable correctly, otherwise this would've been achieved easily by now, but since it wasn't, I am asking for help in this.

    So yeah, I'm not very experienced and I did browse through alot of tutorials to help me in this like RPG Inventory Tutorial by Weishaupt, but the main sole reason my project is different was because I fiddled with the Drag+drop feature, so any feedback would be appreciated.

  • Anytime, hopefully this will be fixed so the others won't be bothered by this problem!

  • RandomExile

    ^--Need to use this more often than quotes.

    Thank you, this will be very helpfull in the future!

  • Well, this is a little embarasing, I wanted to edit the reply to say "achivement hunter" and couldn't do it precisely because of the same error since the quote contains an URL.

    Sorry for double post.

  • It would be a bother on my behalf if I were to be considered a troll, I'm probably the exact oposite of them! But hopefully this can be fixed in some way, I really love to help as best as I can.

    I can see you've been trying to find ways to increase your rep, and you've already done two of the easiest ones (first comment, upvoting a comment), but there are also Scirra subscriptions which will net you another 150, as I discuss in the How Do I Quickly Get Reputation Points? thread.

    Good luck!

    Well, half-true, I'm more of a achivement, everything that has goals ahead is something to motivate me, and what this forum has different from others is precisely the badges! Not sure if Rep does more rather than just telling how much time it was spent on the Forums or something, but if it trully has a meaning then depending on what it is I might get it high eventually. But just to be sure, I will do those steps just in case I do get in trouble for having less than 500 Rep and posting links around the forum like crazy, I think that, counting with the one on this one, I'm at 4-5 links already!

    Thank you for the great tutorial by the way!

  • Well, I'll tag along and post mine then, but I honestly don't want to link around my pictures like that, gives me too much work since I use my gaming computer too much nowadays so I'll just post my facebook gallery if you guys don't mind.

    I am a lazy person and I feel bad for using the cheap way.

  • Well, one of the rules they have here in the forums is that you should always try to do it yourself, so that when you ask for help you got a .capx to show people that you did try, rather than trying to make people do the work for you.

  • I knew I forgot something here. Here is the post where it has shown the error when trying to edit the post without actually touching the link.

    I tryed it out again today, and it gave me the same thing. Here is the message that shows up.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Sorry for the lack of information, I was sort of in a hurry yesterday.

  • Contact Scirra support by sending them an e-mail to

    Make sure you send your account info of both Scirra and Steam so they can check and give you the badge.

    Also, I didn't had to do this, but placing a proof that you bought it will help you alot too!

    FYI: Your signature link is broken, you can fix that by placing a ] before the , and place something between the ][ to make it as a text. Like this! Space Resistance!

  • Ah, maybe fiddling around what I did I might figure something, but currently busy at work so it will have to wait, till then hopefully someone comes up with an answer so you don't have to wait long!

  • I think I understand what you want here, but it's a bit more complex for me. Using features like Pin and fiddling with the angles of the objects can help you mount your character properly on the enemy when you press Space, disabling movement as long as you hold down Space.

    And the function is quite easily explained in tutorials, which is what you should try and read around. They pretty much do the same thing as you would do on an event, but it helps avoiding repeated actions as you could see in the picture above. Without the function, I would have the same actions for when I pressed the A and S keys, so making a Function and calling it was the best option to save space, and it also allows you to send some parameters like I did to decide which animation to use!

    Sorry if I didn't explain this very well, I am a newbie too afterall, but you should seriousley read the tutorials, this community is excelent in helping people, so I'm sure you will find a great tutorial laying around.

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