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  • [SOLVED]

    CURRENT GOAL: To create a save for each game slot to the users pc, using arrays into JSON and NWjs and/or Local Storage.


    1. I cannot figure out how to save those arrays using NWjs, IF I even need to use NWjs.:::

    The save of anything with SAVESTATEJSON is not saving anything, and in fact the save file has 0kB. Nothing saves.

    2. I cannot figure out how to load Local Storage, as I am wondering if I need NWjs and/or AJAX, etc.:::

    I cannot LOAD Local Storage back into array without knowing where Local Storage saved to.

    What is not working? NWjs saving to local folder. It WILL save the file! will not save data to that file.

    Question 1: What is the best (not easiest) way to do this? I.e. Arrays or dictionaries then JSON with NWjs or Local Storage or both, etc?

    Question 2: Am I on the right track? I have it where it saves the arrays. Check. I have the arrays saving to Local Storage. Check.

    NOTE: I am using arrays to make the save sizes smaller and traditionally for large data in the end.

    -If I save the array, it updates Local Storage just fine. Thats about as far as I have got successfully with multiple tests. So, I have my arrays. Good. Now, what way is best to save the way I need and load the way I need? Having all these options confuses me on what works and doesnt and what goes together or not, etc etc.

    photos are included of what Ive done simply with testing.

    P.S.I am a bit slow, so please don't attack my intelligence. I have head injuries. Somehow I have to state that because someone always judges me. Please dont. I just want to see if there is help. Thank you all for helping if you can. I am patient as hell, so Ill communicate until WE can get it to work! Coffee or beer money for whomever gets this resolved with me! LOL

  • Thank you I will check it out. Looks promising

  • I am making a thing where you can create lines on a grid and when the first and last lines are connected, I want to have the inside filled with something graphically to show it as a "shape".

    Is this possible in construct 2, using user-input as the shaping control rather than preset shapes?

    At the moment it is concentrated on merely graphical representations.

    Thank you

  • Ahhh I gotcha. So if I code it with the picking all inside the same condition it works :)

    If I code it where pick all is a sub-event, it doesn't.

    Are we not allowed to have "Else" condition without another condition unless its a Boolean to the first condition then?

    I read that when using "Else" we cant define a different comparable condition, that it has to be the opposite of the first condition (true, false).

    But doing it this way lets us compare more advanced conditions it seems, which I need! hehe

    I get that having to pick all first works before picking frame and then slot :)

    Thank you for the help :)

  • I am working on my own inventory system. I have tried different ways to make this work.

    When I use this code:

    What it does is:

    - if inventory is empty, it adds to the first slot just fine.

    - if the same item frame exists in the inventory, it adds the numb fine but ALSO creates a new item in the next slot and adds 1 as if the inv hadnt the item at all.

    So, I believe my "Else" is not correct, as it is supposed to return false for first, or if the first is true, is it not supposed to neglect the second statement?

    Thank you for your help :)

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  • thanks

  • I am creating a blackjack game for the kids. I am trying to add instance variables of the cards to a text. Two things I am noticing are not adding up to me.

    1. The variable for a card is always read as the number 10 rather than what is in the variable

    2. I cannot get a for loop to work, or a condition for adding for each variable only once to the text

    1) Interestingly, my highest variable for any number is 10 (11 for aces) just as the game should be. So I am wondering if it has something to do with that but I start all cards off with the same frame, then update them as random cards that cover all 52 cards for each deck (just like a shuffle).

    The text I am debugging (and any text really), always shows 10 as the value, even if say....the card is a 4 with the instance variable of 4.

    2) This I can figure out somehow if not answered but...I cannot get the cards, if more than one that is causing the "trigger", to only add once per card to the total(text). I can get 1 card to add to it once and others not register, or I can get more than 1 card to keep adding and not stop.

    I am linking a video to it explaining it all. Apologies if the video is long and/or partially meaningful. I tried to make it the best I could and got confused during also.


  • That, unfortunately, did not work for me because I am using "powers of" and variables in combination. The only thing I could do that worked was to calculated the constants and then turn those into readable integers outside of any object vars and just rely on that as a global var.

    Thank you for the help though, this what you show is very intuitive and will be useful for other things I have planned :)

  • Construct 2 is forcing me to use Log10, when I need to do 10 * Log(x).

    How can I do this please?

    Thanks all!

  • I have purchased both C2 and C3, and many plugins are starting to make their way over, and I just wanted to say thank you to all the devs for their hard work on the updates and everything.

    I am currently transferring a c3p game from the play store over to C2, that way I can create a leaderboard for Rex's plugins, which are really cool btw. Should check them out!

    Keeps me busy and my anxiety and depression at bay most day for a little bit, so that is why I am mainly writing the thank you because of that. Thank you all

  • There are not always three situations in the same room, log layaou, layout of color choice and where you have to wait until there are all the players and then you pass the layout of the game.

    Speaking of rooms: Can I restrict access to the room to a limited number of 4 players and test if the room is full to create another room with another 4 players?

    As far as my knowledge, this is something that may be better handled on a server externally, maybe not an implementation of the software yet, unless it can be coded directly with Java or C++ etc, in which I am not sure yet on how to restrict players yet other than the creation of a server such as in the multiplayer example of limiting to 2 players etc and changing the name of the server for each server created.

    So, possibly you can do something to that affect, where you set up your server and then have a code saying if the player amount is greater than or equal to so much, then add 1 to the server name txt and execute another multiplayer action that way. I have no idea how to do that though. Maybe this will help maybe not, but that is the only way I would know how if it is not something handled from your own server purchased to do stuff like that.

  • Have you tried separating the color actions into a different layout also? Then, have them go to the gameroom where host, peer, etc all join?

    It sounds like there are some variables that are not being called before the sync of host and peer that are required to identify them with such.

    So, if you have 2 rooms/layouts, the first as a login, thats great, but between log in and the gameroom where the sync events happen (usually at the beginning of layout), have a layout for the color choices. So 3 rooms.

    Or, instead of having the login go right to the next room, add the color information in the login layout, then have that event group go to the next room after all variables and such are assigned.

    Hope that helps!

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Member since 8 May, 2018

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