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  • Yeah that's what I'm thinking it is too, a timing issue. Since I cannot see that fast lol, it is tough to speculate. But, what I will try is the suggestion of doing one or the other, and maybe a test time delay somewhere also to see if anything changes.

    I do feel the same about it affecting things during the beginning of the scene as an ordered event. Will post progress if I get any :P.

    Do you think I might be able to figure it out by using no time delay in the event that checks for progress at 0%? I have two actions there, the first a delay, and the second a layout change.

    Wonder how I can go about it that way...

    Thanks for the ideas!

  • [SOLVED]

    I have an issue where in starting the scene, I set a player variable, as well as a progress bar to that variable (after the variable is set of course) and when I have an event to test that the variable is at or below zero, it changes layout scenes, but its changing even if the variable is above 0.

    The variable is Player.playerHealth.

    I set it at start of layout to the value of 100.

    I then set the progress bar "progress" to Player.playerHealth afterwards.

    I have a text to show the value of Player.playerHealth, which shows 100. And the progress bar turns full green.

    ok, so far so good.

    Upon taking damage, the progress, player variable, and the text all change accordingly, and all three show the numeric value taken away appropriately.

    great. now here is the issue.

    When I then have an event to say if either Player.playerHealth OR the healthbar is < or = 0, then do a "player dead" situation and go to menu (basically just waits 3 seconds atm until I can put animations in there, then goes to menu).

    It doesnt wait until the event is triggered for health to take action. It just goes to main menu every start of the game after 3 seconds as if the even was blank. And none of this is a sub event of start of layout.

    Any thoughts?

  • I am working on this as well and learning of saving. I would suggest using instance variables andd then pointing those values/strings to a save function, and then load function when requested. I know construct actually saves quite a bit of information with the built in save, but I would still do variables for thins like this. Location and all that may not be required for instance variables, but for loading player stats, for example, thats pretty specific so I understand what you mean to do so non of that gets lost.

    I am not sure if the save can be localized or is defaulted to web data or not, but I do believe you are able to specify save and load locations. Looking into this now and will update if I find more that might help!

  • Sure :) sorry I didnt get to that link in time. They expire I think so here is mine as of now :) This is the server and then Im in there :) Im having many problems with construct code and integration with multiplayer at the moment, but soon will be fixed so most recent topic info is about that lol.

    And here is my Discord id mojoyup1528#4523

  • Thank you Tom! Yeah, I notice if I just keep refreshing eventually it pops up at times, then I wont close it haha.

  • It's ok, I understand it can be a process to get it all back since construct 3 came out I imagine. Thank you all that work on it for continuing to progress. Also, thank you for the link to the manual. I have downloaded that now and can access it locally anytime :)

    I hope the links get fixed soon as possible but again I get it. :)

  • I am months into my game development as a platformer, and running into the multiplayer functions I tried to keep further down the line. Knowing now that there is problems with peer syncing specifically for this, and purchasing a 200 dollar liscence, Im a bit disappointed that this is still an issue.

    In my testing so far, every function of movement works ok (take away the 60fps to 30fps issue for now), but jumping is still an issue. In the tutorials, the specific event is for recording a key DOWN. And will not allow the same code to be input for key PRESSED. So, instead of using space for example to jump, I tried coding in on key down "W". Same issue. The jump is fine host side, but peer side its like the player is trying to jump, but doesnt get high and then attempts again, yet to only reach actual height/2 yet again. So the player jumps twice, but doesnt even complete any of the jumps fully.

    Local variables I can work with, but Im wondering after this far into development, what can I do other than recode both mobile and pc events entirely for this with local variables or whatever I have to figure out now that I know the tutorial works not so well for platform games?!

    Please make this worth my costs. Free version I could understand not having the right to complain, but pat em on the back for supporting a platform that has actually been around for a while, yet still has MANY incomplete events or communicative game to server actions, etc.

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  • There are lots of ways to pick an instance of Timemap object.

    If you know their UIDs, you can pick by UID. You can pick top or bottom instance, Nth in the order of creation etc..

    A popular method is to add an instance variable ID, set ID=1 to the first tilemap, ID=2 to the second tilemap instance and then simply pick one with the required ID:

    Tilemap compare instance variable ID=2 -> Set tile ....

    Great point for this....said above. You CAN add IDs to the properties of these independant of UID, like a variable kind of. That way you can order them based on numeric value very easily. Then point to that :) Great follow up info!

  • Just want to help by pointing out 404s from the manual link, tutorials, etc in the top bar of the main site. Hope it helps :) I posted this somewhere else so if you see it, and can remove it, thank you. I didnt see this thread until after. Thanks all

  • Yeah after reading a bit about it after my post, I noticed some people fixed this exact thing with a plugin. That might have been the one they were talking about. Some were kind of eh about adding another plugin but hey if it works!

    Glad you have some cmd knowledge of the apk stuff, because once its set up, its a matter of copy and pasting www folder and rebuilding android apk from cmd there and then boom :)

    Good stuff

    ALso, Ill keep the help in mind because I am doing two games right now and its cumbersome for one person, though I have a game clan for ideas and tests :P

    I am very artistic naturally and graphical stuff is easy for me, just wrapping around this program, which is much easier (yet fully useable for sure!) than other engines Ive used, but if I get caught up, add me on dicord :) I have a server for one of my games there :)

    Thanks and if you need graphics help ;) lol

  • I had posted a request for authors to update their links recently, and received a great explanation why this is a tough one to follow for all authors and anyone with construct. Understood and accepted. But, I am requesting attention to the actual site top bar links. The manual, and tuts, etc all are now also 404. Cant learn anything except from youtube, but Id rather read the manual. Anyone havea download of it at least before the links are fixed on the construct side (not a dropbox issue on this one...this is server stuff).

    Thank you,


  • Oh, and I read that twice again. For the entire tilemap of only two tilemaps, you can have the first event not point to anything but the instance UID of the tilemap instead of another object in the game. You should be able to use the same actions regardless as the action is specific to Tilemap object. Hope that makes sense!

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Member since 8 May, 2018

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