YW. So, if the event is in the peer, it has to by synced by using the sync object in the signalling. Also, the event in the peer is not to be the only/and main event for this action. The main event should be in the host side. THEN, the peer should have a setbit for the same action where the host can getbit from the peer and control it from there. The signalling allows that to happen by syncing.
For example, if you want every peer to say change color, or an object the peer touches, then in the signalling, first sync the object. THEN, if the color is changed by ANY instance variable, you sync the variable AFTER the object.
Thats the first thing. Now, that object is synced.
Then, on the host side, directly under host as an event, make an event that says for each peer(or object of player - whatever you called your player), if the players multiplayer id is = to multiplayer.myid(allows each peer to take action independent of each other locally), then do ......
The action is change color (for example).
So, this can be done by clicking, or keyboard, etc. IF clicking, the setup is a bit different than keyboard.
Keyboard is a simple getbit on the host side, to get the keyboard event from each peer to take action.
The mouse, however, is like this:
in the host event, you only need a single event for mouse, since everyone has a mouse.
You DO NOT have to put anything in the peer side, unless you are doing some aiming stuff with variables. SO, dont worry about peer yet still.
Still host.
Put in the host, if mouse button left down, for example, as the condition, and the action is a SETBIT instead of a GETBIT. Because we are sending this "mouse down" across the signalling server to everyone INCLUDING the host. So, for your next number in setbit (keep track lol), that will be that event.
Then everyone that clicks will register on the server as their own click(or should).
And then in the common section, you can put the action of clicked as a GETBIT (NOT MOUSE EVENT), on the object, because you want everyone to see it, and interact somehow with it.
Thats the best I can explain it at the moment :P Hope it makes sense!
I def recommend not worrying about any other code until it works, otherwise you will get confused and overwhelmed quite easily with this loom of the game setup lol.
So, in conclusion:
Set up syncing the object first, then the variables if used (sometimes people just use animation but if using var, sync it).
then host side, make a mouse down, and the action a setbit for the next setbit number.
then common, have the getbit action do something to the object, like change its color.
NOTE: setbit and getbit HAVE to be the same number otherwise it will either do nothing, or control something else lol.
Hope that helps!