Multiplayer on different event sheets

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  • Hi all,

    in my game I set a login screen, then move on to another screen where you have to wait for 4 players to be connected to the room and choose what color to play with. At this stage in the event sheet I identified the 'host' and 'peer' 'common. Now I can not do it anymore in the event sheet of the game. If I call them host2 they do not work out,

    how can I do?

    Thank you

  • Have you tried separating the color actions into a different layout also? Then, have them go to the gameroom where host, peer, etc all join?

    It sounds like there are some variables that are not being called before the sync of host and peer that are required to identify them with such.

    So, if you have 2 rooms/layouts, the first as a login, thats great, but between log in and the gameroom where the sync events happen (usually at the beginning of layout), have a layout for the color choices. So 3 rooms.

    Or, instead of having the login go right to the next room, add the color information in the login layout, then have that event group go to the next room after all variables and such are assigned.

    Hope that helps!

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  • There are not always three situations in the same room, log layaou, layout of color choice and where you have to wait until there are all the players and then you pass the layout of the game.

    Speaking of rooms: Can I restrict access to the room to a limited number of 4 players and test if the room is full to create another room with another 4 players?

  • There are not always three situations in the same room, log layaou, layout of color choice and where you have to wait until there are all the players and then you pass the layout of the game.

    Speaking of rooms: Can I restrict access to the room to a limited number of 4 players and test if the room is full to create another room with another 4 players?

    As far as my knowledge, this is something that may be better handled on a server externally, maybe not an implementation of the software yet, unless it can be coded directly with Java or C++ etc, in which I am not sure yet on how to restrict players yet other than the creation of a server such as in the multiplayer example of limiting to 2 players etc and changing the name of the server for each server created.

    So, possibly you can do something to that affect, where you set up your server and then have a code saying if the player amount is greater than or equal to so much, then add 1 to the server name txt and execute another multiplayer action that way. I have no idea how to do that though. Maybe this will help maybe not, but that is the only way I would know how if it is not something handled from your own server purchased to do stuff like that.

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