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  • yeah,

    but the problem lies in your Create Object action. You don't tell it anywhere to lookup the name of the object type in the array.

    If you want more info on how to work with arrays, one of my tutorials on my youtube channel might help. Not in this particular case of course, but just to get a grasp on how to use them using an example.

    For example: sudoko

    or tetris

  • When I incorporate css, i create a css file.

    For example, add something like this:

    #blablabla {

    border: 2px solid dodgerblue;

    padding: 5px;

    font-size: 50px;

    border-radius: 6px;


    On start of layout :

    -> Browser: Load stylesheet from "myfile.css"

    and in the ID property of the textinput I type "blablabla"

    should work. You can apply the same "blablabla" in the ID of all of the textinputs of your project.

  • I'm confused by your screenshot.

    You save a random number in random_chibi.

    But after that it looks like you don't do anything with it anymore.

    I think what you're missing is a string variable for instance called "x"

    and then set x = RanChibiArray.At(random_chibi)

    Create object x at layer 0 ....

    but maybe i'm missing the point.

  • just stumbled on this one. Seems not so difficult actually, jus start from the inner brackets, en do everything operation by operation :

    (((((((2*a)/5)+2)*c*b)/d)/75)+2)*e*f*g*(random( (h<125?70+(h/4):100 ), (100+(h<=125?h/5:125)) ))

  • another though, maybe you create only one character, but change it by changing the animation or animation frame?

  • I think you need to change the code to this

    your problem is that, Construct 3 will run through the events in sequence. It will turn the player because it is not mirrored. So then it becomes mirrored, but in the next event, you check if it is mirrored, so it turns it again. So essentially, you need an "else".

    + command: type = "TURN"

    ----+ player: [X] Is mirrored

    -----> player: Set Mirrored

    -----> command: Set code3 to 0

    -----> command: Set type to ""

    ----+ System: Else

    -----> player: Set Not mirrored

    -----> command: Set code3 to 0

    -----> command: Set type to ""

    I've tried this, and it worked on my side

    cool game by the way

  • Try Construct 3

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  • As far as I know there is no limit.

    If you want a good idea of a real-world example of arrays, you can watch my brand new tutorial on an alternative to falling shapes where a 3D array is used.


  • Did you watch my 2048 game tutorial? It also merges tiles.

    It seems you just have to do 2 searches. First move to the x,y of the same column, but the row of the destionation tile, and then from that tile left or right as a second step.

    What you could also do is make a pathfinding behavior, and disable diagonals, and tweak a bit with the grid size? And then use the MoveTo behavior to move along the path.

    Just tips...

  • I think you will need 2 times 3 sprites.

    1 set of sprites where the user clicks. Only 1 of the 3 is the "valid one".

    Another invisible set of sprites is where the player will navigate to. One of the invisible sprites is on the same position of the visible, clickable, ones. That's the correct one. The other 2 invisible sprites are placed on the spot where the player is supposed to stop when he embarks on the wrong voyage. Only if the player arrives at the invisible sprite overlapping the correct, visible, sprite, you can go to the next level.

  • Hi, a lot of games on my channel use a game over dialog.

    Maybe this helps


  • You can find my tutorials on random level generation here:

    and a bouncing ball game here

    you can get the templates at the scirra store too if you want.

    Also, you can check out some other video's with random gen too, like this one on how to randomly generate pieces of road :

    hope that helps


  • Just a hobbyist, but still experienced & will to listen.

    Watch my tutorials online:


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