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  • As dop2000 said, json is ideally suited for this, it's only a lot of maintenance.

    Maybe some only table editor can help with this :

  • Judging by what you want to do I would do it a bit differently actually.

    You have 2 layouts. The menu & the game.

    You startup with the menu.

    You make a global variable "current_player". By default it is empty.

    On start of layout of the menu you check if the current player is empty OR the list is empty. If so, you just show the menu and allow adding players to the list.

    You've got a button to start off with the first player. When you press it, a person is selected from the list, the current_player variable is set to that value, and you go to the next layout. There you can read the current_player's name from the variable. In the game layout you foresee a possibility to go back to the menu.

    On start of layout of the menu you check if the global variable is empty. If it is not empty, you know the menu is loading because it is coming back from the game layout. So you check if the list is empty. If it is not empty you immediately choose the next player and go to the game layout again after setting the current_player again.

    The last time you load the menu again, the list will be empty, and you just snap into the logic where the game started off to begin with.

    That's my 2 cents.

    If you're completely new to this, maybe you can check my tutorials on my channel, where you can get a good understanding on how you can make some real world example games and how the logic could work.

  • Great tips by Fib I think.

    If you're new to this you can always check a lot of examples of existing game types, so you can have an idea on how you can set up the game, but that's from a technical point of view of course, and not timeline wise. Generally I iterate through the process, start with some basics, make sure all the base mechanics are there, and then iterate back again to tweak everything until I have it exactly as I want it.

    hope this helps!

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  • add a timer behavior, and make it fire continuously, but when it hits a certain counter (which can be an instance variable) stop the timer?

  • could it be you're just setting the local storage item too many times? It doesn't seem like it's really needed to save it on every tick, which actually happens twice lives are below zero.

    I would try and set it, only when the score actually changes, like in the touch event.

    On my youtube channel there are several games that set a best score, and they never do it on tick or just when checking a variable. It's always triggered... for example the 2048 game tutorial, but there are others as well

    hope that helps

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  • I do exactly this in my tutorial on creating a logo quiz. Check it out on my youtube channel:

    hope this helps


  • I do believe putting the effect on the layer will have a performance benefit.

    You could easily test it by adding 1000 objects with the effect to a layer and comparing it with an effect on a layer afterwards. You can check the fps and the cpu utilisation in the debugger. In other words just compare different extreme scenario's.

    Furthermore, it's also more practical to only adjust the properties of a single layer as opposed to different objects of course.

  • Hi,

    you can watch my tutorial on creating a multiplayer card game where I send messages to peers all the time.

    Hope it helps...


  • no problem, you can also watch my C3 gem here, and if you're pretty new to Construct watch some other video's on my channel


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