bartalluyn's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi,

    it's not poker, but still a multiplayer card game.

    Check the scirra store. My contacts details are there too


  • Construct 3 is really a great platform. I can highly recommend it.

    If you're interested you can check out some examples of how to make certain game types at my youtube channel:

  • Maybe my video on how to make a 2048 type of game might help here?


  • It's not exactly the same, but very similar:

    this video shows how to end the game when the bouncing ball hits the bottom.

    If you're new to Construct, make sure to check out all of the other example projects where you can get a good idea of how certain types of games work.


  • several of the games on my youtube channel use popup windows.

    May that can help?


  • I concur with dop2000, just watch this video

    you can even get the free template. Make sure to watch the other video's on my channel to get some more tips & tricks

  • I actually think that's normal behavior. If you change the origin of your sprite, the x and y position on the layout will stay the same. Only the image will move relative to the origin. So if you put your origin at 0,0 instead of center, the image will just shift with height/2 and width/2, and keep the x and y position the same.

    Maybe it's better to use another image point instead of origin?

    But i'm not sure if I fully understand your question...

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  • sure! but that's a very generic question. Maybe some more specific questions might be helpful.

    If you're a complete beginner maybe you can check out the video's on my channel. I've pasted a link to a playlist with some easy and some harder games to make. You'll get inspiration on the general way of working and maybe it will help you on your way.

  • Not sure I understand correctly, but have you tried a sprite instead of a button, and find the path to the x-y position of the sprite? You'll need the mouse plugin & check for on object clicked event of the mouse plugin to check for a click on the sprite.

  • Hi,

    I changed to code of the match 3 template to also allow a suggestion by pressing the "S" button in the interface. It holds a rather easy solution by checking if the top left and bottom let or top right and bottom right jewel are the same of the center jewel.

    A function with a pretty straight forward logic you can easily adapt.

    The guys at scirra just approved the version on the store. Feel free to pick it up if you still need it. I copied the code of the function below in case you're interested


    * On function 'CheckSuggestion'

    | Local number suggestionfound‎ = 0

    | Local number curcol‎ = 0

    | Local number currow‎ = 0

    | Local string curtype‎ =

    | Local string typeTL‎ =

    | Local string typeTR‎ =

    | Local string typeBR‎ =

    | Local string typeBL‎ =

    ----+ (no conditions)

    -----> suggestion: Clear

    ----+ System: For "columnloop" from 0 to NUM_COLS-1

    --------+ System: For "rowloop" from 0 to NUM_ROWS-1

    // once a suggestion is found, stop searching for it

    ------------+ System: suggestionfound = 0

    ----------------+ (no conditions)

    -----------------> System: Set curcol to LoopIndex("columnloop")

    -----------------> System: Set currow to LoopIndex("rowloop")

    -----------------> System: Set curtype to Functions.GetJewelTypeForCoordinate( currow, curcol )

    -----------------> System: Set typeBL to Functions.GetJewelTypeForCoordinate( currow+1, curcol-1 )

    -----------------> System: Set typeBR to Functions.GetJewelTypeForCoordinate( currow+1, curcol+1 )

    -----------------> System: Set typeTL to Functions.GetJewelTypeForCoordinate( currow-1, curcol-1 )

    -----------------> System: Set typeTR to Functions.GetJewelTypeForCoordinate( currow-1, curcol+1 )

    // powerups don't count for suggestions

    --------------------+ System: curtype ≠ "cross_powerup"

    ------------------------+ System: curtype = typeTL

    ------------------------+ System: curtype = typeBL

    -------------------------> System: Set suggestionfound to 1

    // add jewels to dictionary for highlighting

    ----------------------------+ System: Pick jewels by evaluating jewels.row = currow & jewels.column = curcol

    -----------------------------> suggestion: Add key str(jewels.UID) with value 0

    ----------------------------+ System: Pick jewels by evaluating jewels.row = currow-1 & jewels.column = curcol-1

    -----------------------------> suggestion: Add key str(jewels.UID) with value 0

    ----------------------------+ System: Pick jewels by evaluating jewels.row = currow+1 & jewels.column = curcol-1

    -----------------------------> suggestion: Add key str(jewels.UID) with value 0

    ------------------------+ System: curtype = typeTR

    ------------------------+ System: curtype = typeBR

    -------------------------> System: Set suggestionfound to 1

    ----------------------------+ System: Pick jewels by evaluating jewels.row = currow & jewels.column = curcol

    -----------------------------> suggestion: Add key str(jewels.UID) with value 0

    ----------------------------+ System: Pick jewels by evaluating jewels.row = currow-1 & jewels.column = curcol+1

    -----------------------------> suggestion: Add key str(jewels.UID) with value 0

    ----------------------------+ System: Pick jewels by evaluating jewels.row = currow+1 & jewels.column = curcol+1

    -----------------------------> suggestion: Add key str(jewels.UID) with value 0

    // Possible extension : also check TR + TL or BL + BR

    ------------------------+ (no conditions)

    -------------------------> (no actions)

    // Finally also return the number of values in the explode dictionary, so expressions that call this function can check if there are any matches in the entire grid

    ----+ (no conditions)

    -----> Functions: Set return value suggestion.KeyCount

  • You could watch this video where I use the local storage plugin to store a variable for the best score, and then load the best score when the game starts again.

    You can use it to store cur_anim.

    good luck


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