Developer sought for Construct project

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  • 7 posts
From the Asset Store
Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • Hey guys,

    We're looking to get a game developed as a fun educational piece for adults, on an environmental issue.

    We're used to working with developers and freelancers, but game development is new to us so we need an experienced developer to work with us to agree a clear scope and budget before then developing the game.

    If you're interested, please can you send an example or two of your existing work.


  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Hi clouised,

    Just to let you know, the forum doesn't support private messages.

    About your request instead, I am interested to know more about the project.

    I have already worked on educational games for some of my clients and I would be happy to talk about an eventual collaboration.

    You can contact me through my website:

    Once I will receive your mail I can share with you the educational games I have worked on.

    Thank you.

  • Hello!

    If you are interested don't hesitate to contact me via email:

    contact [at]

    Thanks in advance,


  • Hey guys,

    We're looking to get a game developed as a fun educational piece for adults, on an environmental issue.

    We're used to working with developers and freelancers, but game development is new to us so we need an experienced developer to work with us to agree a clear scope and budget before then developing the game.

    If you're interested, please can you send an example or two of your existing work.



    Hi I would love to work on you with this, I have worked on many educational games and apps with construct 2/3 for certain companies.

    Please feel free to drop me an email:

  • Hello clouised,

    Here is my portfolio:

    If you interest, please send me an email to:


  • Hi,

    I got 8 years of experience with C2 and C3.

    I've made hundreds of games, both for my studio and as a freelancer.

    You can read more about me here:


  • Just a hobbyist, but still experienced & will to listen.

    Watch my tutorials online:


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