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  • I'm not sure whether to write it here, so if this thread fits more elsewhere, please move it.

    So, this is the first time I use Spriter along with Construct 2, after I drag and drop the scml into C2 I was surprised to see that not all sprites are loaded. Please look at these two images



    So, in my Spriter there are a series of "walking" sprites and "damaged" sprite, but in construct 2 it only have the "battle" series of sprites. I put the sprites in the correct folder in Spriter project folder, so it should come up. Anyone can help?

    Also, I make more than one entity in one spriter project but in C2, it only reads one entity, do I have to create separate spriter project for each character / entity?


  • same with others, I think making English version of your blog is important. After that I suggest tweeting with a good and relevant hashtag, that can bring visitors (I've tried it)

  • can you do screenshots of your events, or maybe put your capx on dropbox and share it here, because it's a bit hard for me to understand your question

    what do you mean by "the system is not allowing me to do it"? does the player animation mirrored or not? have you check the player's angle after the action "set angle toward(touch.x, touch.y)"? because if the angle is between 180 and 360, it doesn't mirrored (based on what I see on your small code)

  • So, I submitted my game to firefox marketplace, it gave me no error but there are 11 warnings, I was concerned so I checked the full report and all 11 reports are CSP violation errors from codes in c2runtime.js, which are these

    ... .He.height/2,f.drawImage(this.He,ja(a-c),ja(b-d)));1>=this.zg?(a=ja(a-c)+0.5,b=ja(b+(d+(m?12:0)))+0.5,f.fillStyle="DodgerBlue",f.fillRect(a,
    ... easureText(m):null,f.fillText(m,a-(c?c.width:0)/2,b))}this.xn=this.Ic}setTimeout(function(f){return function(){f.go()}}(this),100)}}};c.prot ...
    Oa();var f,a,b;if(this.fj)for(f=0,a=this.u.length;f<a;f++)b=this.u[f],b.J||b.sk||!b.za.Qd||b.W();else this.ug=!1;f=0;for(a=this.Fc.length;f< ...
    ... ull)));this.Ir();!this.ma&&!this.Tc||this.uk||this.Zg||(this.ma=!1,this.D?this.Hb():this.zc(),this.Ri&&(this.canvas&&this.canvas.toDataURL&&
    ... +);this.Bg+=Oa()-f;this.rg||(l?this.Hi=l(this.Yi,this.canvas):this.Zi=setTimeout(this.Yi,this.jf?1:16))}}};c.prototype.Ir=function(){var f,a ...
    this.Iv&&(this.Gn=!1),this.Nd=1/60)),this.fi=f);this.Pc=this.Nd*this.If;this.Dc.add(this.Pc);f=document.mozFullScreen||document.webkitIsFull ...

    there are more but I think these two are enough to show the errors.

    Now, I'm not ashamed to admit that I don't know sh*t about javascript, and these warnings just confuses me, even after I read the CSP documentiation (which is here: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Apps/CSP )

    and my game passed validation so I can go on and hope that it's approved. But the error page also said this: "While this does not affect your app, if you decide to add permissions to your app in the future, you will be unable to do so until this problem is corrected. It is highly recommended that you remedy this."

    so I prefer to know how I can fix these. Any help is appreciated, thanks

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  • I think it would be better if you post this on "how do I" or "Help wanted" boards

  • Hi guys,

    if you need a game idea but having difficulties making them into reality, then I can help you. I can make any games in C2 as long as there's a good GDD about it, and I can see the logic behind the game.

    My games list are here: onegameamonth.com/AryadiPS

    Those are small games created in less than a month, but I can make bigger games for you if you want. If you're interested, feel free to PM me, reply to this topic or send me something to aryadiperwiras (at) hotmail dot com

  • Thanks tgeorgemihai it seems the mistake was mine, I zipped the finished folder instead of all of the resulting files which makes the manifest inside a folder and not in root. It's fixed and my zip can be uploaded now

    there's one new error, though, it now says this: Web App Manifest's `fullscreen` was of an unexpected type. The webapp.manifest fullscreen is set to true (not a string), so I don't know why this is an unexpected type. Can anyone help me with this?


    nevermind that, I changed the fullscreen value to string and it worked! thank you all who helped

  • it only says: Error extracting manifest from zip file. No other information, so I'm confused

  • I can't seem to find the contact us link at the developer hub, does anyone know where to shoot my email at?

  • So I was trying to submit my game to firefox marketplace for firefox OS, I exported my game as packaged app in C2, so I don't need my own hosting.

    But when I upload my game .zip file, the web says "Your app failed with 1 validation error. Error extracting manifest from zip file"

    my zip file already contains a manifest.webapp file in it and when I open it in notepad++ I don't see anything strange. Do anyone knows why this error occurred and how do I fix it? Thanks

  • Hi guys, sorry if I'm spamming this site with this but I have a blog where I write about game design that I learned in my journey in game developing, and I also have an RPG tutorial, which is here: daggio21.blogspot.com

    it's in my language so you'll need a Gtranslate to read it

    there's a translated version of my RPG tutorial on gamedevacademy over here: gamedevacademy.org/construct2-rpg-series-1-basic-setup

    please have a look and let me know if you have any question, I'm happy to share what I know :D

  • um... I don't know

    Lagur hasn't replied my PM and he hasn't send me an email, I plan to wait for a few days before deciding whether he disappears or not

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Member since 29 Apr, 2013

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