easyDoesIt's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi all, just finished my first game for Android. Please check it out for me and let me know any feedback.




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  • Hi Ashley, so you have any insight into this? Guessing it is a android issue?

  • Managed to guess the setting (since everything was in chinese) to change via settings. Suggest a pulldown menu for the weblink to open in prefered language would be easier.

  • So I opened Construct on another one of my computers from the browser and it opened in chinese. I can't read chinese. Some of my family member use both chinese and english when they are logged in on the same computer so guessing construct is picking up chinese is installed.

    How do I open it in english.


  • Brilliant, thanks dop2000.

  • I have multiple objects as part of family. These are placed multiple times on 30 different layouts (different levels).

    I want to add an effect to the family and turn the effect ON/OFF during the gameplay when needed but by default I want the effect to be OFF.

    Is there a way I can set the default for the family to OFF. When I add the effect it will default to ON on every layout. I know I can change this when the game is run or alternatively go through every layout and turn it off but is there a quick way to just turn it off for every placed object?. I dont want to see the effect ON in the layout editor.

    Same goes for any added effect, behaviour, instance variable, etc added really. Hoping there is a default to apply when it is added?

    Can this be done?

  • If its copyrighted and used then it could be a problem. That being said if the app is not sold (including no ads) then not sure the publisher will bother to follow up?

    I think you need to find out the license for the object. Do a google lens search and see if the image can be used non-commercially. Many are! As long as you don't charge money for it, including not earning from ads, can't see any issue but need to read the license agreement for the image to check.

  • What do you mean by 'save object built in'.

  • I note the fix has been included in the next beta but in the meantime for using the stable version I noticed if you ensure you only have 1 column of data in the inspector it will run fine. As soon as you show 2 columns of data (ie your window is wide) it will slow down. You can peel the inspector off and make it narrow if you want your game window to be wide.

  • I find sometimes when I export a updated debug APK, it is unable to be installed as an update on mobile. I have to delete the app then reinstall from scratch. What could cause this?


  • Thanks fredriksthlm,

    The error was produced from MobileAdvert.ErrorMessage but yes it was do with the UMP. I have now set that up and MobileAdvert configuration is all returning as ok. I will test my app some more to see if the crash has now ceased.....

    Publisher ID for AdSense noted. Got confused since since Publisher ID is also accessible in Admob via settings.

    With my second part of the question am I able to see the CPU/GPU and memory use through the USB debugger (when running on android) or other way?

  • This is what I found for Admob. Haven't had any luck for the others.


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Member since 3 Feb, 2018

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