Debug View is extremely slow when System is selected

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From the Asset Store
94 Inside buildings views - Isometric view - PNG transparent - 2048x2048
  • I had Worker set to Auto in my project, seems like for some reason it defaults to No.. Can confirm that when I set it to Yes, the issue goes away.

    Still the debug view in System tab is really sluggish. Even though the FPS is 100, the mouse cursor lags, all actions are performed with a noticeable delay, the character continues moving for about a second after I release all keys on the keyboard.

  • Still the debug view in System tab is really sluggish. Even though the FPS is 100, the mouse cursor lags, all actions are performed with a noticeable delay, the character continues moving for about a second after I release all keys on the keyboard.

    Hah, you're right I didn't notice that yesterday but I had a look just now and it is very sluggish as if it were still running at 7FPS as the object follows the mouse when dragging like (2 or 3) steps behind.

    I guess this issue Scirra team will have to investigate and fix it themselves as we cannot do anything on our end, though for me at the moment I'm lucky as my debugging is very simple and I can just print a Txt on the screen or do Console logs at the moments.

  • That I cannot reproduce. After switching the worker mode on it works as crisp as it gets with the debugger open, which is in my case 144 fps with no hiccups.

    I'll put it in the tracker.

  • That I cannot reproduce. After switching the worker mode on it works as crisp as it gets with the debugger open, which is in my case 144 fps with no hiccups.

    I'll put it in the tracker.

    Yep that's the best thing we can do start with the Bug that we can all reproduce like the (Worker ON/OFF) and then see what's going on with the other one. Though they may fix the first one and that fixes the other if somehow they are related.

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  • I note the fix has been included in the next beta but in the meantime for using the stable version I noticed if you ensure you only have 1 column of data in the inspector it will run fine. As soon as you show 2 columns of data (ie your window is wide) it will slow down. You can peel the inspector off and make it narrow if you want your game window to be wide.

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