I am using the MobileAdvert in my app. I have the Test mode on and using my own AdverIDs, not the Google test ones.
My problem is I am having a crash, not consistently but infrequently (maybe 1 in 5 times) before or after the Ad is played. I have tried deleting MobleAdvert and I couldn't get it to crash again.
However, despite the ads playing, I am noticing on the 'configuration failed' event I am getting the error 'invalid response from server: Failed to read publishers account configuration; try again later'. I only wish Google provided better error feedback!
I have setup the app in Google AdMob and am confident I have the Android Application ID, Publisher ID, and Advert IDs for rewards and interstitial all in the right place and correct.
So my question is, if the app is not yet published or in test mode could this cause the configuration problem? can this cause a crash?
The other thing I want to rule out is a memory issue when the ad is starting/finishing before changing to another layout. Is there a way to check this, usb debugging doesn't seem to give this type of feedback?